
Don't Combine Pima County's Precincts — And Return to Paper!

URGENT: The Pima County, Arizona, Board of Supervisors plans to vote tomorrow (February 15) on establishing centralized voting centers and electronic poll books. These changes would be devastating to election integrity.

As The John Birch Society notes in its list of voting solutions, smaller precincts are essential for ensuring integrity and accuracy in our elections. Big cities — the same ones where voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election — already have abolished precincts and now count ballots in large, centralized facilities.

Such centralization creates many opportunities for fraud. For example, the ballots must all be transported to the counting centers, making it easier to add fake ballots. Additionally, a small, centralized staff makes it easier to commit fraud, have a larger effect on the results, and not get caught. last, but not least, many centralized centers use optical scan vote counting machines, which can be rigged.

These problems with centralized vote counting — plus the major inefficiency of the whole process — illustrates the superiority of precincts, particularly those that are greater in number and contain fewer people.

Additionally, as the JBS notes in its list, it is imperative that we completely return to paper in order to reduce the risk of tampering and fraud. Not only does a paper trail provide assurance that there is no election tampering, but many electronic voting machines lack a paper trail while having various technical problems.

Election results should be printed on paper, posted at the precincts, and made public immediately to prevent tampering with vote totals by insiders as well as external hackers.

Tell the Pima County Board of Supervisors to reject the proposal currently before them to combine precincts and expand the number of people within them. Tell them that instead, we should increase the number of precincts and ensure they contain fewer people.

Don't Combine Pima County's Precincts — And Return to Paper!

URGENT: The Pima County, Arizona, Board of Supervisors plans to vote tomorrow (February 15) on establishing centralized voting centers and electronic poll books. These changes would be devastating to election integrity.

As The John Birch Society notes in its list of voting solutions, smaller precincts are essential for ensuring integrity and accuracy in our elections. Big cities — the same ones where voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election — already have abolished precincts and now count ballots in large, centralized facilities.

Such centralization creates many opportunities for fraud. For example, the ballots must all be transported to the counting centers, making it easier to add fake ballots. Additionally, a small, centralized staff makes it easier to commit fraud, have a larger effect on the results, and not get caught. last, but not least, many centralized centers use optical scan vote counting machines, which can be rigged.

These problems with centralized vote counting — plus the major inefficiency of the whole process — illustrates the superiority of precincts, particularly those that are greater in number and contain fewer people.

Additionally, as the JBS notes in its list, it is imperative that we completely return to paper in order to reduce the risk of tampering and fraud. Not only does a paper trail provide assurance that there is no election tampering, but many electronic voting machines lack a paper trail while having various technical problems.

Election results should be printed on paper, posted at the precincts, and made public immediately to prevent tampering with vote totals by insiders as well as external hackers.

Tell the Pima County Board of Supervisors to reject the proposal currently before them to combine precincts and expand the number of people within them. Tell them that instead, we should increase the number of precincts and ensure they contain fewer people.