

URGENT; ACT NOW: Joe Biden has nominated communist Saule Omarova to a key federal position. The Senate must reject this radical and dangerous nomination!

In September 2021, Biden nominated Saule Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency, an important position in the Treasury Department that regulates and overseas U.S. banks. The White House formalized her nomination on November 2.

Omarova, who hails from the former USSR, is an unrepentant communist who continues to promote a Marxist-Leninist agenda. Her nomination reveals a lot about the Biden administration’s agenda and, if confirmed, that of the Senate Democrat majority.

The November 8, 2021 issue of The New American magazine outlines several examples:

  • She was born and grew up in Soviet Kazakhstan, one of the most repressive and staunchly Stalinist of the Soviet Republics;
  • According to the U.K.-based Daily Mail, she was a top member of the Komsomol, the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and was tasked with training future Party leaders, under the supervision of the KGB;
  • She was sent to Moscow State University during the Soviet years on a scholarship named after communist dictator Vladimir Lenin;
  • She wrote a thesis at the Soviet university entitled “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital,” which she has refused (thus far) to provide to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee;
  • Her 2020 research paper “Why We Need a National Investment Authority” proposes a federal “National Investment Authority” to commandeer private and public funds for “climate change” infrastructure and other central-planning projects;
  • Her National Investment Authority is being promoted by Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), one of the most radical members of Congress;
  • Her 2020 article for the Vanderbilt Law Review, entitled “The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy,” calls for a Marxian scheme of digital “FedAccounts” that would “fully replace” private bank deposits;
  • In a Facebook photo with radical Cornell professor Robert Hockett, Hockett describes himself, Omarova, and the late Lynn Stout as “the Bolshevik contingent of Cornell’s finance group;” and
  • Omarova dissed the United States in a 2019 tweet for its “gender pay gap,” while praising the Soviet Union for a supposed lack of the same.

More specifically, Omarova has advocated for massively expanding the federal government’s role over the economy, along with giving unprecedented power to the unconstitutional and already-unaccountable Federal Reserve. This includes creating a “central bank digital currency,” which would hasten the move away from sound money and personal privacy.

Several senators have already criticized Omarova for her far-left stances, in addition to hiding her undergraduate thesis about Karl Marx. However, like a typical far-left Marxist, she describes her critics as racist, sexist, and “nativist.”

The United States is a constitutional Republic, and its system of government, along with the values it was founded upon, are antithetical to Marxism, socialism and communism. Especially with this in mind, Saule Omarova is completely unfit to serve in any government position in this great country.

Tell your U.S. senator to unequivocally reject Omarova’s nomination and to only confirm those who wholeheartedly stand up for our nation’s founding values.


URGENT; ACT NOW: Joe Biden has nominated communist Saule Omarova to a key federal position. The Senate must reject this radical and dangerous nomination!

In September 2021, Biden nominated Saule Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency, an important position in the Treasury Department that regulates and overseas U.S. banks. The White House formalized her nomination on November 2.

Omarova, who hails from the former USSR, is an unrepentant communist who continues to promote a Marxist-Leninist agenda. Her nomination reveals a lot about the Biden administration’s agenda and, if confirmed, that of the Senate Democrat majority.

The November 8, 2021 issue of The New American magazine outlines several examples:

  • She was born and grew up in Soviet Kazakhstan, one of the most repressive and staunchly Stalinist of the Soviet Republics;
  • According to the U.K.-based Daily Mail, she was a top member of the Komsomol, the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and was tasked with training future Party leaders, under the supervision of the KGB;
  • She was sent to Moscow State University during the Soviet years on a scholarship named after communist dictator Vladimir Lenin;
  • She wrote a thesis at the Soviet university entitled “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital,” which she has refused (thus far) to provide to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee;
  • Her 2020 research paper “Why We Need a National Investment Authority” proposes a federal “National Investment Authority” to commandeer private and public funds for “climate change” infrastructure and other central-planning projects;
  • Her National Investment Authority is being promoted by Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), one of the most radical members of Congress;
  • Her 2020 article for the Vanderbilt Law Review, entitled “The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy,” calls for a Marxian scheme of digital “FedAccounts” that would “fully replace” private bank deposits;
  • In a Facebook photo with radical Cornell professor Robert Hockett, Hockett describes himself, Omarova, and the late Lynn Stout as “the Bolshevik contingent of Cornell’s finance group;” and
  • Omarova dissed the United States in a 2019 tweet for its “gender pay gap,” while praising the Soviet Union for a supposed lack of the same.

More specifically, Omarova has advocated for massively expanding the federal government’s role over the economy, along with giving unprecedented power to the unconstitutional and already-unaccountable Federal Reserve. This includes creating a “central bank digital currency,” which would hasten the move away from sound money and personal privacy.

Several senators have already criticized Omarova for her far-left stances, in addition to hiding her undergraduate thesis about Karl Marx. However, like a typical far-left Marxist, she describes her critics as racist, sexist, and “nativist.”

The United States is a constitutional Republic, and its system of government, along with the values it was founded upon, are antithetical to Marxism, socialism and communism. Especially with this in mind, Saule Omarova is completely unfit to serve in any government position in this great country.

Tell your U.S. senator to unequivocally reject Omarova’s nomination and to only confirm those who wholeheartedly stand up for our nation’s founding values.