
Don't exclude religious UPK/child care providers from Build Back Better

Dear Agudah Activist:

As you know, Congress will soon take up the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better reconciliation bill. In it there are two provisions of great importance to the Orthodox Jewish community: Universal Pre-K and a new federal Child Care program.

Unfortunately, these provisions are written in a way that could result in shuls, yeshivas and day schools, and other religious entities in the community being effectively cut out of these programs. This would be a devastating setback, as UPK has the potential of being a boon to our families, and as the current Child Care program (i.e., CCDBG) – which Agudath Israel played a leading role when it was created decades ago in ensuring the participation of religious providers -- has already proven itself an effective and much needed form of assistance to those in our community struggling to make ends meet.

It is vital that we make our voices heard on these issues as soon as possible. Both House and Senate are expected to take up the bill soon, perhaps as early as this week. Please fill out the action alert to contact your members of Congress and convey the message to adopt the amendment Agudath Israel and other groups have offered and to not exclude Jewish and other faith-based entities from the UPK and Child Care programs.

Thank you and much hatzlacha!

Rabbi Abba Cohen
Vice President for Government Affairs
Washington Director and Counsel

Don't exclude religious UPK/child care providers from Build Back Better

Dear Agudah Activist:

As you know, Congress will soon take up the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better reconciliation bill. In it there are two provisions of great importance to the Orthodox Jewish community: Universal Pre-K and a new federal Child Care program.

Unfortunately, these provisions are written in a way that could result in shuls, yeshivas and day schools, and other religious entities in the community being effectively cut out of these programs. This would be a devastating setback, as UPK has the potential of being a boon to our families, and as the current Child Care program (i.e., CCDBG) – which Agudath Israel played a leading role when it was created decades ago in ensuring the participation of religious providers -- has already proven itself an effective and much needed form of assistance to those in our community struggling to make ends meet.

It is vital that we make our voices heard on these issues as soon as possible. Both House and Senate are expected to take up the bill soon, perhaps as early as this week. Please fill out the action alert to contact your members of Congress and convey the message to adopt the amendment Agudath Israel and other groups have offered and to not exclude Jewish and other faith-based entities from the UPK and Child Care programs.

Thank you and much hatzlacha!

Rabbi Abba Cohen
Vice President for Government Affairs
Washington Director and Counsel