
Support Life-Saving Legislation in Nebraska!

L.B. 626, a Heartbeat Bill, failed by just one vote in Nebraska, and Students for Life Action echoes Governor Pillen’s call for Senators to try again to protect more preborn babies.

Senator Merv Riepe broke his promises to his constituents, his colleagues, and the Governor when he blocked the Heartbeat Bill. He needs to continue to hear his actions are unacceptable.  

In a life and death situation, on the battlefield or in the ER, the one thing medical professionals check for to decide who to treat is a heartbeat. Yet, with such a strong sign of life, pre-born babies in Nebraska still face death.

Current legislation that allows unlimited abortion for any reason before 10-weeks still leaves 90% of babies unprotected. We can do better.

The battle to protect women and preborn babies, and end the predatory abortion industry must continue.

Please take less than 30 seconds to fill out our form to contact Senator Reipe & your Senator today, as the lives of over 2,000 Nebraska babies each year will continue to be ended through abortion until they act.


Support Life-Saving Legislation in Nebraska!

L.B. 626, a Heartbeat Bill, failed by just one vote in Nebraska, and Students for Life Action echoes Governor Pillen’s call for Senators to try again to protect more preborn babies.

Senator Merv Riepe broke his promises to his constituents, his colleagues, and the Governor when he blocked the Heartbeat Bill. He needs to continue to hear his actions are unacceptable.  

In a life and death situation, on the battlefield or in the ER, the one thing medical professionals check for to decide who to treat is a heartbeat. Yet, with such a strong sign of life, pre-born babies in Nebraska still face death.

Current legislation that allows unlimited abortion for any reason before 10-weeks still leaves 90% of babies unprotected. We can do better.

The battle to protect women and preborn babies, and end the predatory abortion industry must continue.

Please take less than 30 seconds to fill out our form to contact Senator Reipe & your Senator today, as the lives of over 2,000 Nebraska babies each year will continue to be ended through abortion until they act.