
Protect the Preborn from Radical Abortion Extremism in Colorado!

Planned Parenthood is on the defensive yet again as the U.S. Supreme Court considers state challenges to Roe v. Wade. In an attempt to protect their public funding, NARAL and Planned Parenthood have lobbied state lawmakers across the country to amend their state constitutions to enshrine abortion-on-demand through birth and with guaranteed public funding. 

We need your help! HB 1279 has passed the Colorado State Legislature! We can still stop this bill, if Governor Polis chooses not to sign. 

HB 1279 means that late-term Abortion is about to be voted on by the Colorado Legislature. This involves terminating fully-developed babies, capable of feeling pain, and living outside the womb, and yet the Colorado Legislature is attempting to enshrine this cruel and inhumane procedure into the Constitution. To make matters worse, minors will be able to get secret abortions without their parents being notified.

We cannot let this become a reality for babies, women, and families in Colorado!

This bill has been sent to Governor Polis, please urge him to NOT sign the bill.

Tell him this extreme legislation has no place in Colorado!

Use our form to contact Governor Polis to let him know that you OPPOSE this dangerous and extreme legislation.  

Then share this with friends and family to ask them to join you in being a voice for life!

Protect the Preborn from Radical Abortion Extremism in Colorado!

Planned Parenthood is on the defensive yet again as the U.S. Supreme Court considers state challenges to Roe v. Wade. In an attempt to protect their public funding, NARAL and Planned Parenthood have lobbied state lawmakers across the country to amend their state constitutions to enshrine abortion-on-demand through birth and with guaranteed public funding. 

We need your help! HB 1279 has passed the Colorado State Legislature! We can still stop this bill, if Governor Polis chooses not to sign. 

HB 1279 means that late-term Abortion is about to be voted on by the Colorado Legislature. This involves terminating fully-developed babies, capable of feeling pain, and living outside the womb, and yet the Colorado Legislature is attempting to enshrine this cruel and inhumane procedure into the Constitution. To make matters worse, minors will be able to get secret abortions without their parents being notified.

We cannot let this become a reality for babies, women, and families in Colorado!

This bill has been sent to Governor Polis, please urge him to NOT sign the bill.

Tell him this extreme legislation has no place in Colorado!

Use our form to contact Governor Polis to let him know that you OPPOSE this dangerous and extreme legislation.  

Then share this with friends and family to ask them to join you in being a voice for life!