Pass Constitutional Carry Into Law!
Twenty-two states have Constitutional Carry law on the books (almost half of the country) which allows law abiding gun owners to carry a firearm without adding their names to a government database or be tracked like a criminal.
Here in Georgia, Brian Kemp and Speaker Ralston have been killing Constitutional Carry for years. But thanks to GGO members, the Senate has passed this legislation and now it’s on the House floor where it could get a vote at any moment!
Bloomberg is trying to stop us. The media is trying to stop us. The RINOs are trying to stop us!
Don’t let them win! Send a PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Representative today and demand that they ‘VOTE YES’ on H.B. 1358, with no weakening amendments! Then share this with every gun owner you know and urge them to take action!
Pass Constitutional Carry Into Law!
Twenty-two states have Constitutional Carry law on the books (almost half of the country) which allows law abiding gun owners to carry a firearm without adding their names to a government database or be tracked like a criminal.
Here in Georgia, Brian Kemp and Speaker Ralston have been killing Constitutional Carry for years. But thanks to GGO members, the Senate has passed this legislation and now it’s on the House floor where it could get a vote at any moment!
Bloomberg is trying to stop us. The media is trying to stop us. The RINOs are trying to stop us!
Don’t let them win! Send a PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Representative today and demand that they ‘VOTE YES’ on H.B. 1358, with no weakening amendments! Then share this with every gun owner you know and urge them to take action!