The Biden administration has nominated anti-gun former U.S. Attorney Steve Dettelbach to lead the ATF and YOUR "pro-gun" Senator is potentially SUPPORTING this tyrant. 

Dettelbach, a Barack Obama acolyte who has received glowing endorsements from anti-2A groups like Everytown and Giffords, is the administration’s latest attempt to install a rabid ideologue at the head of this rogue agency.

Dettelbach is on the record supporting some of the most restrictive forms of gun control – including a nationwide BAN on so-called “assault weapons”.

Biden’s agenda is to appoint an ATF Director just as radical and dangerous to the American people as David “Waco” Chipman, but without the embarrassing baggage – and weak kneed “pro-gun” Republicans might fall for it.

With a divided Senate, just a SINGLE vote from one squishy member is all it takes to hand over control of this powerful agency to the enemies of freedom. 

That’s why FPC is asking you to contact YOUR Senator RIGHT AWAY to demand they OPPOSE the Dettelbach nomination.

You can use use FPC's constituent outreach tool located on this page to contact your lawmakers TODAY! FPC has drafted a sample email for you to review, edit, and personalize prior to sending it off to your legislators' inboxes. 

You can also read FPC's official letter here

We can’t afford to waste any time. Please send a message TODAY!