
Please Support Research on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year, you can support this important cause by advocating funding for child sexual abuse prevention research. The appropriations process for the FY 2023 federal budget has already begun, so please join us to take action while we can.

Use the widget to urge your federal lawmakers to show their support of child sexual abuse prevention research.

Child sexual abuse harms young people, adults, and families across the country. One in four girls and one in 13 boys experience this abuse in the United States. Improving abuse-prevention research is one way we can start to mitigate the social, physical, and psychological burdens that come with child sexual abuse.

Take action by urging your federal lawmakers to sign on to a FY 2023 Dear Colleague letter, an important part of advancing these key issues during the appropriations process. We’ve provided you with a prewritten letter for your lawmakers, but you’re welcome to edit it to include your personal message.

Thank you for your effort in advocating with us!

Please Support Research on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year, you can support this important cause by advocating funding for child sexual abuse prevention research. The appropriations process for the FY 2023 federal budget has already begun, so please join us to take action while we can.

Use the widget to urge your federal lawmakers to show their support of child sexual abuse prevention research.

Child sexual abuse harms young people, adults, and families across the country. One in four girls and one in 13 boys experience this abuse in the United States. Improving abuse-prevention research is one way we can start to mitigate the social, physical, and psychological burdens that come with child sexual abuse.

Take action by urging your federal lawmakers to sign on to a FY 2023 Dear Colleague letter, an important part of advancing these key issues during the appropriations process. We’ve provided you with a prewritten letter for your lawmakers, but you’re welcome to edit it to include your personal message.

Thank you for your effort in advocating with us!