Help Kick Planned Parenthood out of Pacific Lutheran University, a Christian School!
Students for Life of America conducted research into the nearly 800 colleges and universities affiliated with the Christian faith in the United States to determine how many of them are in a relationship with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest vendor of violent abortions. SFLA found more than 100 schools tied to Planned Parenthood, and thanks to efforts by our staff, dozens of these schools cut ties with Planned Parenthood. But 69 Christian colleges and Universities – approximately one in 12– still have a relationship with the abortion behemoth.
Pacific Lutheran University, a Christian college, has been rated an F based on findings from their school website. Pacific Lutheran University chose to maintain this relationship even after Students for Life of America (SFLA) notified the school administration of the existing promotions on the school website.
Christian colleges and universities should be standing with preborn children targeted by Big Abortion and upholding human dignity by caring for pregnant and parenting students — not promoting destructive abortion violence. We want to urge Pacific Lutheran University President, Allan Belton, to remove Planned Parenthood as a source for Female Empowerment, remove Planned Parenthood from the General Health and Wellness Resource page, remove Planned Parenthood from the leadership opportunity database, remove Planned Parenthood as a resource for birth control, and remove the late term abortion facility, Cedar River Clinics, as a health and counseling resource.
Will you help by contacting President Allan Belton and urging Pacific Lutheran University to cut ties with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion vendor?
Please take a few minutes to email and call Pacific Lutheran University administration to urge them to break their ties with Planned Parenthood. After submitting the following information, we will send an email to the administration on your behalf. We will then call you immediately and connect you to Pacific Lutheran University. Then, all you need to do is read the short script!
To read more about the Christian Schools Research Project, go to the following link:
Help Kick Planned Parenthood out of Pacific Lutheran University, a Christian School!
Students for Life of America conducted research into the nearly 800 colleges and universities affiliated with the Christian faith in the United States to determine how many of them are in a relationship with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest vendor of violent abortions. SFLA found more than 100 schools tied to Planned Parenthood, and thanks to efforts by our staff, dozens of these schools cut ties with Planned Parenthood. But 69 Christian colleges and Universities – approximately one in 12– still have a relationship with the abortion behemoth.
Pacific Lutheran University, a Christian college, has been rated an F based on findings from their school website. Pacific Lutheran University chose to maintain this relationship even after Students for Life of America (SFLA) notified the school administration of the existing promotions on the school website.
Christian colleges and universities should be standing with preborn children targeted by Big Abortion and upholding human dignity by caring for pregnant and parenting students — not promoting destructive abortion violence. We want to urge Pacific Lutheran University President, Allan Belton, to remove Planned Parenthood as a source for Female Empowerment, remove Planned Parenthood from the General Health and Wellness Resource page, remove Planned Parenthood from the leadership opportunity database, remove Planned Parenthood as a resource for birth control, and remove the late term abortion facility, Cedar River Clinics, as a health and counseling resource.
Will you help by contacting President Allan Belton and urging Pacific Lutheran University to cut ties with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion vendor?
Please take a few minutes to email and call Pacific Lutheran University administration to urge them to break their ties with Planned Parenthood. After submitting the following information, we will send an email to the administration on your behalf. We will then call you immediately and connect you to Pacific Lutheran University. Then, all you need to do is read the short script!
To read more about the Christian Schools Research Project, go to the following link: