Speak up NOW...they are coming for your WOOD and maybe even your KITCHEN STOVE!

THIS IS THE 3RD LETTER IN OUR CLCPA ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN! We need each and every member to speak up EVERY WEEK.

THIS WEEK:  The BUILDING Chapter of the draft Scoping Plan.

They are coming for your wood stove!  Did you now that as written now, all new homes or significant renovations of existing homes must be fitted with only electric heat as early as 2024?  Retrofitting could cost anywhere from $25,000 to $60,000.  And that is just one component of this chapter in this plan!

New York State's Climate Action Council, is collecting public input on the Draft Scoping Plan and advance work on a Final Scoping Plan to guide the implementation of the State's nation-leading climate goals under the CLCPA. The only way they will know just how many people will be impacted by their policies if YOU don't tell them?


Each week ESFPA will be putting out advocacy campaigns encouraging our members to make comments on relevant chapters of the draft Scoping Plan.  This week the focus is on the BUILDINGCHAPTER.  To lend your name to our previous and future campaigns you can also find these links on our website at https://www.esfpa.org/oneclickpolitics-advocacy

We are asking you to complete this campaign by submitting this letter that

  • Provide execptions for renewable wood heat and use of wood residuals in our sectors manufacturing processes. 
  • Acknowledge the value of emboddied carbon in wood  in building materials
  • Ensuring the plans and regulations for our future include wood as a preferred building materials will assist our State in achieving climate change goal.

We must ensure that we provide comments that the forests are the natural and affordable solution to climate change and must be included in the Scoping Plan.

Please keep in mind that once you fill in the personal information in the box to the right, you will be sent to the letter we have written.  This is an editable letter.  Feel free to add a how this legislation will impact your business, such as

  • specifically the supply chain issues
  • what your specific company is/does
  • where your business is located
  • how many employees your have
  • any other pertintent information which will be useful and supportive

We need to do this for ourselves!