Encourage U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to Support Heartbeat Legislation!
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell’s hard work was crucial in the decades long fight to reverse Roe v. Wade and ensure a pro-life majority on the Supreme Court, but his work is not yet done!
Unfortunately in a Post-Roe America, there is not a strong Heartbeat bill introduced in the Senate. In a life and death situation, on the battlefield or in the ER, the one thing medical professionals check for to decide who to treat is a heartbeat. Yet, with such a strong sign of life, preborn babies across our country still face death. A federal Heartbeat bill would save lives, saving millions of children from the violence of abortion. Please take a few seconds to encourage U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his influence to work to get a life-saving Heartbeat bill introduced.
Encourage U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to Support Heartbeat Legislation!
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell’s hard work was crucial in the decades long fight to reverse Roe v. Wade and ensure a pro-life majority on the Supreme Court, but his work is not yet done!
Unfortunately in a Post-Roe America, there is not a strong Heartbeat bill introduced in the Senate. In a life and death situation, on the battlefield or in the ER, the one thing medical professionals check for to decide who to treat is a heartbeat. Yet, with such a strong sign of life, preborn babies across our country still face death. A federal Heartbeat bill would save lives, saving millions of children from the violence of abortion. Please take a few seconds to encourage U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his influence to work to get a life-saving Heartbeat bill introduced.