Act now or your family may have less convenient access to vaccines and services at pharmacies after Dec. 31!
During COVID-19, the government relied on Minnesota pharmacies as a vital partner, ensuring we all had access to disease-preventing and life-saving vaccinations. Minnesota pharmacies answered the call and administered millions of vaccinations, including more than 4 million COVID doses. Most Minnesotans live within five miles of a pharmacy.
If Minnesota lawmakers DON’T act before December 31, your family may not be able to get all your needed vaccines from your pharmacy.*.
Tell your state legislators to support legislation (HF 1197/SF 1176) to continue access to safe, affordable vaccines at pharmacies.
Legislators want to hear about how issues impact you in your own words. You are encouraged to personalize the message as much as possible!
*Pharmacy authorization to provide FDA-approved and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices-recommended vaccines under the federal PREP Act expires on or soon after December 31, 2024. Minnesota must act now!
Prepared & paid for by the My Pharmacy Serves MN coalition, a project of patients and organizations supporting safe access to services at pharmacies, including these partners: Minnesota Retailers Associaiton; Minnesota Pharmacists Association; Minnesota Grocers Association. www.MyPharmacyServesMN.org. Click here to download and share our flyer.
Act now or your family may have less convenient access to vaccines and services at pharmacies after Dec. 31!
During COVID-19, the government relied on Minnesota pharmacies as a vital partner, ensuring we all had access to disease-preventing and life-saving vaccinations. Minnesota pharmacies answered the call and administered millions of vaccinations, including more than 4 million COVID doses. Most Minnesotans live within five miles of a pharmacy.
If Minnesota lawmakers DON’T act before December 31, your family may not be able to get all your needed vaccines from your pharmacy.*.
Tell your state legislators to support legislation (HF 1197/SF 1176) to continue access to safe, affordable vaccines at pharmacies.
Legislators want to hear about how issues impact you in your own words. You are encouraged to personalize the message as much as possible!
*Pharmacy authorization to provide FDA-approved and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices-recommended vaccines under the federal PREP Act expires on or soon after December 31, 2024. Minnesota must act now!
Prepared & paid for by the My Pharmacy Serves MN coalition, a project of patients and organizations supporting safe access to services at pharmacies, including these partners: Minnesota Retailers Associaiton; Minnesota Pharmacists Association; Minnesota Grocers Association. www.MyPharmacyServesMN.org. Click here to download and share our flyer.