
Help Shut This Session Down!

A week later and Governor Bill Lee's Special Session on gun control is still ongoing. 

Rather than immediately adjourn the session,Republican majorities in both chambers have kept this session going, which has been fueling the Radical Left and kept them on the offensive against our gun rights.

It's beyond time that our legislators shut down this session and end this gun control threat once and for all!

That’s why it is very important that you send a PRE-WRITTEN email to your State Representative and State Senator telling them to not only defeat EVERY gun control bill, but also send the Radical Left packing and adjourn this session IMMEDIATELY!

After you've send your emails, share this link with every pro-gun person you know to take action as well!

And then chip in whatever you can afford to this fight, so Tennessee Gun Owners can keep fighting for you in Nashville!

Help Shut This Session Down!

A week later and Governor Bill Lee's Special Session on gun control is still ongoing. 

Rather than immediately adjourn the session,Republican majorities in both chambers have kept this session going, which has been fueling the Radical Left and kept them on the offensive against our gun rights.

It's beyond time that our legislators shut down this session and end this gun control threat once and for all!

That’s why it is very important that you send a PRE-WRITTEN email to your State Representative and State Senator telling them to not only defeat EVERY gun control bill, but also send the Radical Left packing and adjourn this session IMMEDIATELY!

After you've send your emails, share this link with every pro-gun person you know to take action as well!

And then chip in whatever you can afford to this fight, so Tennessee Gun Owners can keep fighting for you in Nashville!