APFA Supporters - Call to Action - Send a Letter


A Call for Fairness and Respect in APFA Negotiations

To Lucretia Guia, Senior Vice President of Labor Relations and Deputy General Counsel,

As a supporter of the American Airlines Flight Attendants, I feel compelled to express my concerns regarding the current state of negotiations between management and the Flight Attendants. My observations and interactions with many of your Flight Attendants have highlighted a growing frustration that I believe warrants your urgent attention.

The crux of the issue lies in what seems to be management's inadequate response to the Union's Negotiating Committee's proposals. This is particularly concerning given the harsh economic conditions we all are facing and the significant role that Flight Attendants play in the company.

Flight Attendants are more than just employees; they are the face of American Airlines, representing the brand to thousands of passengers daily. Their dedication and professionalism, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic, have been vital in maintaining the company's operational efficiency and reputation.

The concerns raised by the Flight Attendants go beyond work rules; they touch on the very essence of their well-being and job satisfaction. Issues like fair wages, adequate rest, schedule flexibility, and a respectful retirement plan are fundamental to their ability to perform their duties effectively and to retire with dignity.

As someone who values the service and commitment of American Airlines' Flight Attendants, I urge your management team to approach the next round of negotiations with a genuine intention to address these concerns. The Flight Attendants, in my view, deserve a contract that acknowledges and rewards their hard work and dedication.

Thank you for considering my perspective on this matter. I trust that American Airlines will find a path forward that honors the contributions of its Flight Attendants and reinforces a positive and productive work environment.