Together, we will end the dominance of big money in American elections and reclaim the people's voice

January marks the 14th anniversary of the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court that reshaped our political system by allowing unrestrained and unlimited spending in our campaigns and elections. This decision positioned the Supreme Court as decision-maker-in-chief when it comes to money in politics. 

And they have gotten it consistently wrong.


This has led to a toxic influx of campaign spending from an elite donor class and foreign government interests. This year, national election spending is set to break a new record - $16 Billion. 

A constitutional problem needs a constitutional solution. The only way to get the corrupting influence of money out of politics once and for all is to pass a constitutional amendment to allow the people – not The Court – to set the regulations once again. The For Our Freedom Amendment is just the amendment to do that.

Will you join with the millions of other Americans who have said enough is enough, and add your name in support of the For Our Freedom Amendment? Send a message to your federal elected officials telling them you want them to support the For Our Freedom Amendment.