Pass the Baby Items State Sales Tax Exemption!
Expanding the sales tax exemption to baby necessities such as wipes, car seats, and cribs will help keep more money in the pockets of parents to help cover the many unexpected costs of childrearing. First-time parents face the largest upfront costs of these big-ticket items like cribs and car seats. A typical shopping list for infant necessities can easily add up to nearly $2,000. By eliminating state sales tax, parents will save nearly $130.
Eliminating this tax is particularly vital for low-income families who are often living paycheck-to-paycheck. A small tax cut for the state could make a life-saving difference when a family can now afford a new safe crib and car seat rather than getting those items already used in a neighborhood swap.
This legislation has bipartisan support in the legislature – everyone can get behind supporting families. Let’s help parents of infants by easing the cost of necessary items.
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Pass the Baby Items State Sales Tax Exemption!
Expanding the sales tax exemption to baby necessities such as wipes, car seats, and cribs will help keep more money in the pockets of parents to help cover the many unexpected costs of childrearing. First-time parents face the largest upfront costs of these big-ticket items like cribs and car seats. A typical shopping list for infant necessities can easily add up to nearly $2,000. By eliminating state sales tax, parents will save nearly $130.
Eliminating this tax is particularly vital for low-income families who are often living paycheck-to-paycheck. A small tax cut for the state could make a life-saving difference when a family can now afford a new safe crib and car seat rather than getting those items already used in a neighborhood swap.
This legislation has bipartisan support in the legislature – everyone can get behind supporting families. Let’s help parents of infants by easing the cost of necessary items.
With just a click, you can send a message, call, post a tweet, and send a video message to your elected officials using the form on this page.