Help Protect Arizona Libraries

SB1007 makes changes to legislation that was already passed which makes it illegal to refer public school students to sexually explicit material. It would add a provision that those found in violation of the law would be guilty of a class five felony. In an attempt to widen its impact, SB1007 was amended in the Senate to include public libraries in Arizona. The bill would make it illegal for public library staff to refer, or facilitate access to sexually explicit material. Those found guilt of doing so would face a class five felony.

Libraries manifest the promises of the First Amendment by making available the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas, so that every person has the opportunity to freely read and consider information and ideas regardless of their content or the viewpoint of the author. This requires the professional expertise of librarians who work in partnership with their communities to curate collections that serve the information needs of all their users.

Please take action today to ask the House Judiciary Committee to vote NO on this harmful legislation. It's bad for children, bad for libraries, and bad for Arizona.