
Support Kentucky Libraries: Restore Vital Funding

The Kentucky Library Association is issuing a Call to Action because the House made a mistake in not including funding for Direct Aid to Libraries in the upcoming FY25 budget. The requested amount of $2.5 million is in line with the amount received in prior funding years. Our libraries depend on this. Without this funding, many public library services may be cut, and some Kentucky communities could completely lose their public libraries. Thank you for standing with Kentucky libraries. Your support is invaluable. Please use this tool to reach out to your senators and encourage others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference. Share this message far and wide.

Support Kentucky Libraries: Restore Vital Funding

The Kentucky Library Association is issuing a Call to Action because the House made a mistake in not including funding for Direct Aid to Libraries in the upcoming FY25 budget. The requested amount of $2.5 million is in line with the amount received in prior funding years. Our libraries depend on this. Without this funding, many public library services may be cut, and some Kentucky communities could completely lose their public libraries. Thank you for standing with Kentucky libraries. Your support is invaluable. Please use this tool to reach out to your senators and encourage others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference. Share this message far and wide.