A simple message to the Attorney General

The Treasurer Jim Chalmers heard you. It’s time Attorney General Dreyfus received your best advice too.

Last month, we let you know how alarmingly effective your emails and prayers were.

While the Treasurer was hearing from policy experts over the summer, he was also hearing from you. And the advice he finally took on the topic of tax deductible building programs for Christian schools, seemed to be a lot like the advice you were sending him. And exactly what we’d all been praying for.

The Attorney General has also been hearing from experts on legal changes he should make. These new laws would affect generations of students, and are far more significant than changes to the tax code.

As you can read in our issue briefing, suggested changes to the Federal anti-discrimination laws could shape the culture of our schools for generations.

If you have found the culture of your Christian school, the care, concern and compassion of staff, something that you value, now would be the perfect time to let the Attorney General know.

And if you feel that it’s the Christian teachers and staff, sincerely living out their faith, that have made our schools places of compassion, you could let him know that too.

If you have five minutes, you can do that here. But if you only have one minute, please take that time to pray for the Attorney General, that he would make wise decisions that benefit all of Australia’s children.

Your voice is needed