
Help Speak For American Slaughter Bound Equine

Join us today to call on members of Congress to pass the Save America's Forgotten Equines Act.

Treating our native and domestic equine with compassion, dignity and respect is the ethical, moral and principled thing to do.

Please take a moment to help those who have no say in the matter. Your voice counts.

Visit the Save America’s Native Equine Campaign, to learn more.


Help Speak For American Slaughter Bound Equine

Join us today to call on members of Congress to pass the Save America's Forgotten Equines Act.

Treating our native and domestic equine with compassion, dignity and respect is the ethical, moral and principled thing to do.

Please take a moment to help those who have no say in the matter. Your voice counts.

Visit the Save America’s Native Equine Campaign, to learn more.