
Protect Preventive Healthcare Services For ALL Californians!

Every Californian deserves access to comprehensive, inclusive, and affordable preventive health care. AB 2258 would enshrine federal guidance into law, mandating health plans and insurers to cover essential preventive services like HIV and STI testing without any out-of-pocket costs. 

It's crucial that you reach out to your representative and urge them to vote in favor of AB 2258, which will expand access to preventive services for all Californians. This bill needs one last vote before heading to the Governor's desk for signature! We need your help to keep it going and ensure the success of this important bill!



Protect Preventive Healthcare Services For ALL Californians!

Every Californian deserves access to comprehensive, inclusive, and affordable preventive health care. AB 2258 would enshrine federal guidance into law, mandating health plans and insurers to cover essential preventive services like HIV and STI testing without any out-of-pocket costs. 

It's crucial that you reach out to your representative and urge them to vote in favor of AB 2258, which will expand access to preventive services for all Californians. This bill needs one last vote before heading to the Governor's desk for signature! We need your help to keep it going and ensure the success of this important bill!