Protect Louisiana Women & Children: Support HB 608 - The Women’s Safety and Protection Act

We are at a critical juncture in Louisiana's fight to uphold the safety and dignity of our women and girls. The Women’s Safety and Protection Act (HB 608) is a crucial piece of legislation that seeks to safeguard the privacy and security of women in various spaces such as locker rooms, changing facilities, school restrooms, prisons, and domestic violence facilities. It's time to stand together and ensure that our daughters, wives, nieces, and granddaughters are protected from invasive policies that undermine their safety.

HB 608 is not just about protecting women's privacy; it's about upholding their rights and ensuring women have access to safe spaces where they can feel secure and comfortable. By pushing back against federal overreach and the attacks on Title IX, this bill reaffirms Louisiana's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its female residents.

As the Senate vote on HB 608 approaches, we must make our voices heard. There are 2.3 million women who live in Louisiana, and it's our duty to protect them from any threats to their safety and privacy.

We urge all Louisianans to join us in supporting HB 608 and standing up for the safety and protection of our women. Contact your senators, spread the word in your communities, and let them know that we will not tolerate any compromises when it comes to women's safety.

Let’s ensure that Louisiana remains a place where our daughters can grow up feeling safe and respected.