DCA Deserves Better!

American Airlines' allocations and staffing departments - and our own DCA Base Management - are not hearing us! From poorly constructed trips to higher line averages and less flexibility, send your message to management and let them know this is unacceptable.

I am a DCA-Based Flight Attendant writing to you because DCA DESERVES BETTER! Understanding that Flight Attendants may have different preferences, we can ALL agree that the current “One Formula Fits All” model is not working.

Each month we are consistently met with:
• High line averages
• Low credit sequences
• Multiple legs per day
• High reserve numbers
• Repetitive destinations
• Line constraints causing forced hours
• Minimal vacation low
• Lack of cadence
• Fatigue-inducing sit times
• No premium IPD flying after mandatory widebody aircraft training
• Lack of flexibility within trading tools

We are standing behind our APFA DCA Base Leadership who have repeatedly advocated for improved trip construction and better PBS results.

DCA is consistently ranked favorably by passengers which is a reflection of our Flight Attendants. Not only are we not recognized for our hard work in a challenging environment, we feel disrespected that our concerns have continually fallen on deaf ears. And because of it, DCA is losing Flight Attendants from a wide range of seniorities to other bases.

The DCA Base MUST see improvements to trip construction, PBS, and scheduling systems. This is not just about long overdue and obvious changes that will improve the quality of life for DCA Flight Attendants; this is about improving our overall operational reliability.