Request Governor Newsom's Signature on AB 1780!

Every Californian should have the opportunity to be admitted to their dream school, regardless of who their parents are or their family’s ability to donate to an institution. That is why HOPE is proud to co-sponsor AB 1780 (Ting) alongside other higher education advocates in the state.

Can we count on your support to call for an end to legacy admission preference in college admissions? Please fill out the form to request Governor Newsom's signature on this important legislation!

The Challenge:
Legacy admission policies, which often prioritize applicants with family ties to a school’s alumni, tend to disproportionately benefit white and affluent students. According to the Campaign for College Opportunity, legacy applicants were 45 percentage points more likely to gain admission to a selective institution than equally qualified, non-legacy candidates, after controlling for other factors. This systemic privilege continues to disadvantage first-generation students, students of color and students from low-income backgrounds from an equitable shot at admittance.

The Solution:
AB 1780 emerges as a vital solution by ending the practice of legacy admissions in California. This bill would ban private institutions from giving preference to legacy or donor applicants. By closing this loophole, this bill ensures that institutions offer fair admission opportunities to all Californians. In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision barring race-conscious admissions, AB 1780 stands strong as a protection for all students of color.

Join HOPE and other higher education advocates in calling for the end to these inequitable admission practices in California! The bill is currently on the Governor's desk awaiting his signature. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Policy Director, Maria Morales