
The time to fix Social Security benefit rules that penalize those who have served the now!

For more than 40 years, millions of Americans — police officers, teachers, firefighters, and other local and state public servants — have been stripped of their Social Security benefits as an unjust penalty for devoting much of their careers to serving their communities and fellow Americans. These New Mexicans and Americans across our country deserve their full retirement benefits — just like every other American who has paid into Social Security.

The Social Security Fairness Act would eliminate two provisions of the Social Security Act that unfairly reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits for millions of Americans who have devoted much of their careers to public service — including federal employees, police officers, firefighters, and educators.

The Bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) has been introduced in Congress and has 325 House cosponsors and its companion bill in the Senate, S.597 has 62 cosponsors. But there is no vote scheduled at this time!

There is a House procedure known as a "discharge petition" to force a vote on H.R.82 underway. The petition is called H. Res. 1410. Using our platform you will be connected to the office of your U.S. Representative (based on the address you put in).

Please take 5 minutes and ask New Mexico's Congressional Reps to sign the 'discharge petition' H. Res. 1410, which will force a floor vote on H.R.82.

The time to fix Social Security benefit rules that penalize those who have served the now!

For more than 40 years, millions of Americans — police officers, teachers, firefighters, and other local and state public servants — have been stripped of their Social Security benefits as an unjust penalty for devoting much of their careers to serving their communities and fellow Americans. These New Mexicans and Americans across our country deserve their full retirement benefits — just like every other American who has paid into Social Security.

The Social Security Fairness Act would eliminate two provisions of the Social Security Act that unfairly reduce or eliminate Social Security benefits for millions of Americans who have devoted much of their careers to public service — including federal employees, police officers, firefighters, and educators.

The Bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act (HR 82) has been introduced in Congress and has 325 House cosponsors and its companion bill in the Senate, S.597 has 62 cosponsors. But there is no vote scheduled at this time!

There is a House procedure known as a "discharge petition" to force a vote on H.R.82 underway. The petition is called H. Res. 1410. Using our platform you will be connected to the office of your U.S. Representative (based on the address you put in).

Please take 5 minutes and ask New Mexico's Congressional Reps to sign the 'discharge petition' H. Res. 1410, which will force a floor vote on H.R.82.