Tell Congress to Cosponsor the We the People Amendment!
Corporations are NOT people! Money is NOT speech!
Since Citizens United, billionaires and big corporations have poured unlimited cash into our elections, drowning out the voices of everyday people. We need a constitutional amendment to put power back where it belongs: in the hands of the people.
Congress has the chance to act. Rep. Pramila Jayapal is reintroducing the We the People Amendment—and your Representative needs to sign on. This amendment will make it clear that constitutional rights belong to people—not corporations and that money is not speech.
📢 Take action now! Demand your Representative cosponsor the We the People Amendment and help us end corporate rule. Send your message now!
Tell Congress to Cosponsor the We the People Amendment!
Corporations are NOT people! Money is NOT speech!
Since Citizens United, billionaires and big corporations have poured unlimited cash into our elections, drowning out the voices of everyday people. We need a constitutional amendment to put power back where it belongs: in the hands of the people.
Congress has the chance to act. Rep. Pramila Jayapal is reintroducing the We the People Amendment—and your Representative needs to sign on. This amendment will make it clear that constitutional rights belong to people—not corporations and that money is not speech.
📢 Take action now! Demand your Representative cosponsor the We the People Amendment and help us end corporate rule. Send your message now!