Sign HB 1747 and 2440 into Law
As a Pennsylvanian, I stand with Gun Owners of America and urge you to sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law without delay.
HB 1747 eliminates the Governor's ability to "suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation...of firearms" during a state of emergency. We only need to look at the recent violence, rioting, and looting to know that citizens need to be armed to ensure their personal and family's safety.
HB 1747 also removes the requirement to have a License to Carry Firearms (LTCF) in order to carry a firearm openly during a state of emergency -- and with Pennsylvanians waiting up to a year to get an LTCF in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh due to COVID restrictions, this is a much-needed correction to the law.
HB 2440 -- the "Hunting, Firearm and Ammunition Life-Sustaining Business Act" -- would protect the entire firearms industry and shooting ranges from arbitrary closure during a state of emergency by making them life-sustaining businesses.
HB 2440 will also bring Pennsylvania in line with the Department of Homeland Security's Essential Critical Infrastructure guidelines which considers the whole firearms industry essential.
So, please sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law immediately.
Thank you very much.
Protect my Rights During a State of Emergency - Sign HB 1747 and HB 2440
As a Pennsylvanian, I stand with Gun Owners of America and urge you to sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law without delay.
HB 1747 eliminates the Governor's ability to "suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation...of firearms" during a state of emergency. We only need to look at the recent violence, rioting, and looting to know that citizens need to be armed to ensure their personal and family's safety.
HB 1747 also removes the requirement to have a License to Carry Firearms (LTCF) in order to carry a firearm openly during a state of emergency -- and with Pennsylvanians waiting up to a year to get an LTCF in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh due to COVID restrictions, this is a much-needed correction to the law.
HB 2440 -- the "Hunting, Firearm and Ammunition Life-Sustaining Business Act" -- would protect the entire firearms industry and shooting ranges from arbitrary closure during a state of emergency by making them life-sustaining businesses.
HB 2440 will also bring Pennsylvania in line with the Department of Homeland Security's Essential Critical Infrastructure guidelines which considers the whole firearms industry essential.
So, please sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law immediately.
Thank you very much.
Make HB 1747 and HB 2440 Law in Pennsylvania
As a Pennsylvanian, I stand with Gun Owners of America and urge you to sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law without delay.
HB 1747 eliminates the Governor's ability to "suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation...of firearms" during a state of emergency. We only need to look at the recent violence, rioting, and looting to know that citizens need to be armed to ensure their personal and family's safety.
HB 1747 also removes the requirement to have a License to Carry Firearms (LTCF) in order to carry a firearm openly during a state of emergency -- and with Pennsylvanians waiting up to a year to get an LTCF in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh due to COVID restrictions, this is a much-needed correction to the law.
HB 2440 -- the "Hunting, Firearm and Ammunition Life-Sustaining Business Act" -- would protect the entire firearms industry and shooting ranges from arbitrary closure during a state of emergency by making them life-sustaining businesses.
HB 2440 will also bring Pennsylvania in line with the Department of Homeland Security's Essential Critical Infrastructure guidelines which considers the whole firearms industry essential.
So, please sign HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law immediately.
Thank you very much.