You Must Stop the Austin Radicals' AR-15 Ban!
As a law-abiding gun owner, I demand that you vote against H.B. 172/H.B. 241or any similar legislation that would make me a FELON for purchasing an AR-15 or similar firearms, as well as the magazines that feed them!
The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America, with almost 20 million of them in circulation, as they are the perfect firearm for defense against criminals and tyrants alike.
The FBI’s annual crime report shows that these firearms are almost never used in mass shootings, despite the spin put out by liberal media outlets in Austin and our other metro areas.
On the contrary, the AR-15 is used by citizens regularly to defeat criminals from home invasions and armed robberies, especially in cases involving multiple attackers!
Nothing is more unamerican than having legislative elites send government agents to confiscate these defensive firearms while making me a criminal at the same time.
That’s why, as your constituent, I insist that you oppose H.B. 172/ H.B. 241 -- or any similar legislation!
American Firearms Association will keep me informed of your actions and
statements regarding this bill.
Don’t Support the AR-15 Ban!
Privately owned firearms are used an estimated 2 million times per year to stop criminals from harming law abiding citizens, and with 10-15 million AR-15’s in circulation, this rifle is used in a large number of those incidents.
It’s easy to see why. The AR-15 is lightweight, easy to operate, holds a solid amount of ammunition, handles a plethora of optics, and is affordable for many people.
That’s why I am so outraged to see that a growing number of Texas lawmakers are publicly backing legislation that would make me a
criminal for buying this gun or the magazines that come with them!
That’s also why I am writing you today: to insist that you oppose H.B. 172/H.B. 241 (or any similar legislation) as it would do nothing to stop crime but would harass law abiding gun owners instead!
While you’re at it, how about you actually lead on the gun rights movement and actually sponsor pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry for a change, so that gun owners like me are not constantly on defense.
Do something for gun owners, and in the meantime, oppose any attempt to ban the AR-15 or the magazines that feed them.
Fight for My Gun Rights!
Despite having a GOP-controlled House, Senate, and Governor’s
mansion, gun owners like me have been largely ignored for several years.
Republican leadership have tanked Constitutional Carry while other GOP lawmakers are talking about backing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures'!
At the same time, a growing number of lawmakers in Austin are trying to make me a felon for buying an AR-15 rifle or the magazines that run them with bills such as H.B. 172 and H.B. 241.
As your constituent, I am writing to insist that you oppose this legislation, of course.
But, more than that, I am insisting that you fight for gun owners like me by going on offense for a change, by actually sponsoring pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and that’s why it’s inexcusable for Republicans in pro-gun states to sit silently while radical socialists do all they can to disarm the American people.
In short, talk less and fight more for gun owners like me.
The American Firearms Coalition will keep me up to date about your actions on the assault weapons ban, and any other pertinent legislation.
Stop H.B. 172 and H.B. 241 Banning AR-15s!
Rep. Terry Meza and a growing number of her fellow radical socialists are pushing H.B. 172 / H.B. 241 legislation that would make it a felony offense for me to buy an AR-15 rifle and the standard 30 round magazines that come with them!
Instead of trying to go after criminals, Representative Meza and her allies are trying to make felons out of countless Texans who own these firearms!
This, despite the fact that everyone knows that criminals use knives, personal weapons (fists/feet,) and handguns -- in that order -- to carry out the vast majority of murders.
This has nothing to do with stopping crime.
This is all a part of the radical socialist agenda taking place in Austin and Washington, D.C. that is designed to disarm as many law abiding citizens as possible.
For that reason, I demand that you oppose H.B. 172/ H.B. 241 or any similar legislation.
I will be keeping an eye on your votes and statement on this legislation, via the American Firearms Association!