Rep. Meza Should Be Ashamed of Herself!
Rep. Meza’s latest bill (H.B. 196) is an embarrassment to Texas and Meza should be ashamed of herself for even filing it.
Repealing Texas’s Stand-Your-Ground law is a terrible idea and would give armed criminals the upper hand by forcing ME to retreat before I could defend myself or my loved ones!
I should NEVER have to retreat before being able to defend myself, and Texas law should ALWAYS stand up for law abiding citizens, not violent criminals.
With all of the high profile self-defense shootings that have taken place in Texas churches and other places over the last couple of years, it should be obvious that Texans need to be able to defend ourselves in public!
As your constituent, I am writing to insist that you ‘VOTE NO’ on H.B. 196 in committee and on the floor.
The American Firearms Association will keep me informed about this legislation.
All This Bill Would Do is Help Antifa Thugs!
Rep. Terry Meza clearly hates law-abiding citizens like me, which is why she is sponsoring legislation (H.B. 196) to repeal Texas’s Stand-Your-Ground law!
This legislation is a slap in the face to gun owners in Texas, but it’s a dream come true to violent Antifa thugs who spent most of the summer terrorizing big cities in Texas and America, as it requires ME to retreat from them!
And if one of these thugs attacks me or my family, Meza’s bill would allow anti-gun prosecutors to put ME in prison defending myself without first retreating.
A bill like this should never have been filed in Texas.
But now that it has, I expect that you, as my elected voice in Austin, do everything in your power to kill this bill at your first opportunity!
This is a top priority for me, and I will be keeping a very close eye on this legislation.
Additionally, the American Firearms Association will keep me informed about this bill, so please publicly oppose it!
Repealing Stand-Your-Ground Law is Ridiculous!
With violent crime spiraling out of control, urged on all last year by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who put up legal defense money for violent criminals who burned down American cities, the last thing Texas should do is repeal Stand-Your-Ground law!
Our Stand-Your-Ground law is what keeps criminals at bay, as it allows law abiding citizens like me to defend myself in public places without having to retreat.
Repealing this legislation (via H.B. 196) is ridiculous as it sends the message to criminals that the law is on THEIR SIDE!
And while I’m not surprised that Rep. Terry Meza is filing a bill that protects criminals, as your constituent, I am writing to insist that you do everything in your power to oppose this dangerous legislation!
The American Firearms Association will keep me informed about this legislation, please stand up for the Second Amendment.
I Want to See You Publicly Oppose This Bill!
Our gun rights are under attack more and more every day, even in ‘red’ states like Texas.
The latest example in Austin is Rep. Meza’s H.B. 196, legislation that would repeal Texas’s Stand-Your-Ground law!
Should this bill become law, it would make me a criminal for the ‘crime’ of defending myself from a violent attacker unless I first retreated, which would only further endanger myself.
As one of your constituents, I am writing to insist that you oppose this legislation. But more than that, I want to see you publicly oppose H.B. 196 so that the gun-grabbers in Austin know that gun owners will hold them accountable for coming after our gun rights.
Sitting back and remaining quiet isn’t enough anymore. Please take a stand in our fight for Second Amendment freedom!
The American Firearms Association will keep me informed about this legislation, please stand up for the Second Amendment.
Oppose House Bill 196!
Thirty-six states have some form of Stand-Your-Ground law on the books, allowing gun owners to defend themselves from violent criminals without having to retreat first.
Despite what the media says, Stand-Your-Ground law has been proven to lower violent crime rates because the criminals know that would-be victims can FIGHT BACK!
If Rep. Terry Meza is able to pass H.B. 196 into law, all of this would be undone, and violent crime would spiral out of control!
Texas law should protect law abiding citizens, not violent criminals.
As my elected voice in Austin, I am writing to urge you to do everything you can to crush this legislation during the 2021 legislative session!
I will be watching this bill very closely, with help from the American Firearms Association. Please act fast!