Vote NO on H.B.127!
As my representative in Austin, I insist that you vote NO on the H.B. 127, the bill that would repeal and BAN my ability to carry a rifle outside my home.
This is America, not socialist Europe.
My right to carry a firearms open or concealed is completely Constitutional and it's not for politicians to take away.
End this attack on Texan's gun rights and vote NO on H.B. 127.
The American Firearms Association will make sure to tell me how you vote on this bill.
Stop Open Carry Repeal in Texas!
I'm writing you today to insist that you stop, block and oppose any and all efforts to pass legislation to repeal our Open Carry laws in Texas, primarily H.B. 127.
This is Texas, not California, and we take great pride in our Second Amendment and will NOT sit quietly while those rights are stripped away from us one piece at a time.
Be bold. Stand up. Speak loudly in defense of our cherished freedoms. That's why you were elected in the first place.
VOTE NO on the Open Carry repeal.
Regardless of what you do, the American Firearms Association will be watching and will make sure I know how you voted.
Defend my Second Amendment!
Every time I turn around, politicians in Austin are introducing and pushing another gun control bill and I'm sick and tired of it.
H.B. 127 would take away my right to carry a long gun outside my home, which is my Constitutional right, if I choose to do so.
I want you to vocally oppose this bill and any similar legislation and do all in your power to stop it from passing!
The vast majority of states in America allow for the carrying of firearms, openly. The well-armed American is the world's symbol of freedom and it's your job as an elected officer to protect that!
Vote NO on the Open Carry Repeal bill, H.B. 127!
AFA will keep me in the loop on this legislation going forward and will make sure I know what you do.
Fight for Gun Owners! Vote Against H.B. 127!
It's time for legislators in Austin to stand up and FIGHT for gun owners and stop any and all attempts at passing radical Open Carry Repeal laws in Texas.
We Texans take our Second Amendment RIGHTS very seriously and we'll not tolerate upstart politicians thinking they can take them away.
I want you to fight HARD against H.B. 127 and make sure this bill goes down hard.
Enough of this nonsense.
Protect Open Carry!
The American Firearms Association tells me that politicians in Austin are trying to pass a garbage law saying that I can't carry a rifle out into my own yard without going to jail.
I know some politicians have a hard time with common sense, but this just takes the cake.
I want you to vocally oppose this bill, H.B. 127 with all you've got. It's garbage, it's unAmerican and it's unconstitutional.
AFA will let me know what you do either way.