Please stop delays for handgun buyers...
Dear Governor Sununu:
The New Hampshire “gun line” is broken and cannot be fixed. Gun Owners of America told me that delays are now averaging weeks and months instead of minutes. A right delayed is a right denied.
When a person wishes to purchase a rifle or shotgun, the same check is conducted by the FBI and an approval, delay or denial code is issued in as few as five minutes. New Hampshire gun owners have suffered under this grossly inefficient system for over twenty years and it is time to just repeal this onerous burden and let the FBI conduct the pre-sales checks for all gun sales like they do in 36 other states.
The time is now for you to issue an executive order telling the state police to stop doing these checks and let the FBI handle this task. R.S.A. 159-D allows, but does not require the State Police to conduct checks on handgun buyers. In 2019 you vetoed HB 514 which attempted to impose a waiting period on gun buyers; thus it would seem to me that you agree that these long delays are not acceptable and must end.
Thanks for your consideration. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
Please tell the state police to stop delaying gun sales
The New Hampshire “gun line” is broken and cannot be fixed. Gun Owners of America told me that delays are now averaging weeks instead of minutes. A right delayed is a right denied.
However, when a person wishes to purchase a rifle or shotgun, that check is conducted by the FBI and an approval, delay or denial code is issued in as few as five minutes. New Hampshire gun owners have suffered under this grossly inefficient system for over twenty years and it is time to just repeal this onerous burden and let the FBI conduct the pre-sales checks for all gun sales like they do in 36 other states.
It is past the time for you to issue an executive order telling the state police to stop doing these checks and let the FBI handle this task.
In 2019 you vetoed HB 514 which attempted to impose a waiting period on gun buyers; thus it would seem to me that you agree that these long delays are not acceptable and must end.
Thanks for your consideration. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
Handgun buyers should not have to wait!
The New Hampshire “gun line” is broken and cannot be fixed. Gun Owners of America told me that handgun buyers are being forced to wait weeks and months to bring their new gun home -- this is unacceptable. A right delayed is a right denied.
When a person buys a rifle or shotgun, that check is conducted by the FBI and an approval, delay or denial code is issued in as few as five minutes. New Hampshire handgun buyers have suffered under this grossly inefficient system for over twenty years and it is time to just repeal this onerous burden and let the FBI conduct the pre-sales checks for all gun sales like they do in 36 other states.
It is past the time for you to issue an executive order telling the state police to stop doing these checks and let the FBI handle this task. In 2019 you vetoed HB 514 which attempted to impose a waiting period on gun buyers; thus it would seem to me that you agree that these long delays are not acceptable and must end.
Thanks for your consideration. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.