Publicly Support and Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!
Gun owners in North Carolina have been waiting for decades for the passage of Constitutional Carry law.
This year, I want to see you publicly support this legislation.
Republican moderates have told us that they couldn’t pass this bill because they were afraid of the media and what Michael Bloomberg would do during the elections. So, gun owners held the line and crushed Bloomberg’s candidates again last November.
Meanwhile, states all around the country have enacted this legislation that simply makes the concealed carry permit optional for law abiding North Carolinians.
I’m tired of waiting.
I’m tired of the political double-talk.
I’m tired of listening to politicians blame grassroots gun owners who are fighting so hard for this desperately needed legislation.
As your constituent, I am writing to make sure you know that I want to see real action on this legislation in 2021. So please support Keith Kidwell’s HB 197 or sponsor this legislation on your own.
Gun owners here in North Carolina held the line in 2020, saving your caucus members, and even increased the size of your caucus, and now we want to see action on this legislation in 2021!
The North Carolina Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on the status of this legislation throughout the session.
Pass Constitutional Carry NOW!
Gun owners in North Carolina have been waiting for years for the passage of Constitutional Carry law, and this year with the elections right around the corner, I want to see you publicly support it and get it out of your chamber!
Moderate politicians have been farming gun owners for votes for years, while burying Constitutional Carry once safely in office, while twenty-one other states have passed this crucial legislation in law.
As you know, this legislation simply makes the concealed carry permit optional for law-abiding North Carolinians.
I’m tired of the waiting, and I’m tired of the political double-talk.
As your constituent, I am writing to make sure you know that I want to see real action on this legislation immediately. So please cosponsor Constitutional Carry or sponsor this legislation on your own.
Gun owners fought for your caucus in 2020, now we want you to fight for us.
The North Carolina Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on the status of this legislation throughout the session.
How Is Bloomberg’s Gun Control Agenda Working for Your Caucus?
House and Senate Democrats here in North Carolina have been opposing Constitutional Carry legislation -- while pushing a radical gun control -- for years.
Clearly, your caucus’s support of radical gun control has been a disaster for you.
And now with the 2022 elections on the horizon, you have a choice to make. Will you follow a failed political ideology that wants to disarm law abiding North Carolinians, or will you support the Second Amendment and Constitutional Carry legislation, specifically?
As your constituent, I am writing to make sure you know that I want to see real action on this legislation in 2022. Your refusal to support this legislation will NOT go unnoticed. Then again, neither would your support of it.
The North Carolina Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on the status of this legislation throughout the session.