Locks and dams are vital infrastructure to the supply chain
I'm writing to request your leadership addressing the status of our inland river locks and dams, an infrastructure supporting more than half a million jobs and moving products we all rely on by barges. But most of these locks were built in the 1930s, and 70 percent of them have outlived their intended design life.
My company, along with other commercial towing companies, pays for portions of construction and rehabilitation of these locks and dams through a diesel fee - incidentally the ONLY industry/river users to help fund construction of a resource that all Americans utilize.
Specifically, I'm asking that FY23 Energy and Water appropriations include $330 million for construction and rehabilitation of lock and dam projects. This would fully use the private funding portion (the diesel tax dollars of the Inland Waterways Trust Fund).
I also ask for at least the $4.57 billion in Operations and Maintenance that was provided last year. Maintaining this infrastructure is critical to keeping it reliable and efficient.
Thank you for considering my request. We all use the commodities - the foundations of our economy - that are moved by barges every day.
Locks and dams are important infrastructure needing attention
I'm writing for your leadership on the status of our inland river locks and dams. This infrastructure supports more than half a million jobs by moving products on America's waterways we all use. But most of these locks were built in the 1930s, and 70 percent of them have outlived their intended design life.
My company, along with other commercial towing companies, pays for portions of construction and rehabilitation of these locks and dams through a diesel fee - incidentally the ONLY industry/river users to help fund construction of a resource that all Americans rely on.
Specifically, I'm asking that FY23 Energy and Water appropriations include $330 million for construction and rehabilitation of lock and dam projects. This would fully use the private funding portion (the diesel tax dollars of the Inland Waterways Trust Fund).
Also, please include at least $4.57 billion in Operations and Maintenance, the amount provided last year. Maintaining this infrastructure is critical to keeping it reliable and efficient.
Thank you for considering my request.