Please vote NO on LD 805
The last thing that Mainers need is a New York style ban on carrying self defense guns while voting. Please vote LD 805 "ought not to pass."
Mainers have a long track record of carrying and using firearms in a responsible and safe manner --- law abiding Maine residents should not be forced to choose which civil right they will exercise -- the right to vote or the right to be armed. Both of which are guaranteed by the Maine and US Constitutions. LD 805 is as repugnant as a poll tax.
I am counting on you to vote NO on LD 805 the voter gun ban -- the bill cannot be fixed -- a vote of "ought not to pass" is the only acceptable vote.
Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
LD 805 is as repugnant as a poll tax
The last thing that Mainers need is a New York style ban on carrying self defense guns while voting. Please vote LD 805 "ought not to pass."
Mainers have a long track record of carrying and using firearms in a responsible and safe manner. So law-abiding Maine residents should not be forced to choose which civil right they will exercise -- the right to vote or the right to be armed. Because both of these rights are guaranteed by the Maine and US Constitutions, LD 805 is as repugnant as a poll tax.
I am counting on you to vote NO on LD 805, the voter gun ban. The bill cannot be fixed -- so a vote of "ought not to pass" is the only acceptable vote.
Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
LD 805 violates the 2nd Amendment
The last thing that Mainers need is a New York style ban on carrying self defense guns while voting. Please vote LD 805 "ought not to pass."
Mainers have a long track record of carrying and using firearms in a responsible and safe manner. So law-abiding Maine residents should not be forced to choose which civil right they will exercise -- the right to vote or the right to be armed. Because both of these rights are guaranteed by the Maine and US Constitutions, LD 805 is as repugnant as a poll tax.
I am counting on you to vote NO on LD 805, the voter gun ban. The bill cannot be fixed -- so a vote of "ought not to pass" is the only acceptable vote.
Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.