I love Missouri rivers and streams
As a resident of your district, I want to share with you my appreciation of clean and healthy rivers and streams in my community.
Clean water is vital to Missouri's economy and the health and well being of people in our state.
About 60% of Missourians receive drinking water from rivers, streams, and lakes. The remaining rely on groundwater resources.
Our rivers, streams, lakes and springs also support an amazing diversity of fish. Four species of fish are found in Missouri and nowhere else in the world.
One in five tourists visit Missouri for outdoor recreation, with many tourists seeking our clean and beautiful rivers and lakes.
Our water is truly a treasure in Missouri! It is an important resource that is valuable to the health of each Missourian and to our economy.
Water and Its Watershed
As a resident of your district, I want to share with you my appreciation of clean and healthy rivers and streams in my community.
A watershed is the area of land that drains to a body of water. The actions in each watershed have a direct effect on the quality and quantity of downstream waters.
Missouri has unique rivers, lakes, streams, springs, and groundwater. Some, like the Current and Eleven Point Rivers are unique in their exceptional water quality. As Missourians, we have the privilege of caring for these watersheds.
Missouri also hosts the largest river system in the nation with the Missouri / Mississippi Rivers. Much of the state drains directly to and has an immediate effect on this river system.
Everyone lives downstream. And everyone lives in a watershed.
Missouri has exceptional water resources, unlike many areas of the nation and world. As Missourians, we have an obligation to care for these watersheds for this generation and for generations to come.
Water is life
As a resident of your district, I want to share with you my appreciation of clean and healthy rivers and streams in my community.
Water is life - for drinking, cooking, swimming, using for agriculture and industry, and for recreation.
Missouri has unique rivers, lakes, streams, springs, and groundwater. Some are unique in their exceptional water quality, others in their size. Missouri hosts the largest river system in the nation with the Missouri / Mississippi Rivers. The state is home to the first rivers designated as national scenic riverways and wild and scenic riverways: the Current and Eleven Point rivers.
Water is vitally important to our state's economy, tourism, and to the health of each and every Missourian. Water is life. Never to be taken for granted, our waters need our attention, our thoughtful consideration, and our stewardship.