Please oppose red flag gun confiscation orders
The idea that a constitutionally-minded politician would support red flag gun confiscation orders, and yet ignore a citizen’s constitutional right to due process, is laughable.
Researchers at the Crime Prevention Research Center have found that GCOs are ineffective at reducing crime, murders, suicides, or the number of people killed in mass public shootings.
So, what can Congress do to address acts of violence committed by calculating mass murderers or the mentally ill who have their first diagnosable psychotic break?
The answer lies with restoring the Second Amendment—not more unconstitutional gun control—as stated so eloquently by Representatives Jim Jordan and Thomas Massie in their article entitled: “Why Red Flag Laws, Background Checks and an Assault Weapons Ban Won’t Stop Mass Shootings” (August 23, 2019).
The only thing that stops an evil person with a gun is a good guy or gal with a gun—and the Second Amendment enables honest citizens to do just that.
The problem is that many states severely restrict citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.
This is done through burdensome and costly may-issue permit systems and through gun-free zones, where roughly 90 percent of mass shootings occur.
All gun control turns law-abiding citizens into soft targets—disarmed victims for criminals who, by nature, disobey laws.
Embracing our core founding principles and respecting our Second Amendment by passing Concealed Carry Reciprocity (H.R. 38) and eliminating gun-free zones (S. 1506) are the two most important things Congress can do right now.
But I agree with Gun Owners of America that red flag gun confiscation orders are extremely dangerous. And GOA will keep me updated on what’s happening on 2A related issues in the Senate.
Encouraging self-defense will save lives
The idea that a constitutionally-minded politician would support red flag gun confiscation orders, and yet ignore a citizen’s constitutional right to due process, is laughable.
Researchers at the Crime Prevention Research Center have found that GCOs are ineffective at reducing crime, murders, suicides, or the number of people killed in mass public shootings.
So, what can Congress do to address acts of violence committed by calculating mass murderers or the mentally ill who have their first diagnosable psychotic break?
The answer lies with restoring the Second Amendment—not more unconstitutional gun control—as stated so eloquently by Representatives Jim Jordan and Thomas Massie in their article entitled: “Why Red Flag Laws, Background Checks and an Assault Weapons Ban Won’t Stop Mass Shootings” (August 23, 2019).
The only thing that stops an evil person with a gun is a good guy or gal with a gun—and the Second Amendment enables honest citizens to do just that.
The problem is that many states severely restrict citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.
This is done through burdensome and costly may-issue permit systems and through gun-free zones, where roughly 90 percent of mass shootings occur.
All gun control turns law-abiding citizens into soft targets—disarmed victims for criminals who, by nature, disobey laws.
Embracing our core founding principles and respecting our Second Amendment by passing Concealed Carry Reciprocity (H.R. 38) and eliminating gun-free zones (S. 1506) are the two most important things Congress can do right now.
But I agree with Gun Owners of America that red flag gun confiscation orders are extremely dangerous. And GOA will keep me updated on what’s happening on 2A related issues in the Senate.
The overwhelming majority of gun owners OPPOSE red flag laws
You were elected to uphold the United States Constitution and represent the American people in the Senate.
But if you were to vote for any Red Flag Confiscation bill, you would be attacking our constitutional rights to bear arms, attacking our constitutional right to due process, and turning your back on the American voters who trusted you to represent us in the Senate.
Currently, a majority of states (30) have elected NOT to enact these unconstitutional “red flag” restrictions.
And Gun Owners of America reports that a poll of more than 17,000 gun owners found that 98% of gun owners would not vote to re-elect a legislator who voted for a Red Flag gun bill.
Please know that gun owners en masse will consider support for any Gun Confiscation Order bill as an anti-gun vote, and we will definitely “remember in November.”
98% of gun owners will vote against a Senator who votes for red flags
You were elected to uphold the United States Constitution and represent the American people in the Senate.
But if you were to vote for any Red Flag Confiscation bill, you would be attacking our constitutional rights to bear arms, attacking our constitutional right to due process, and turning your back on the American voters who trusted you to represent us in the Senate.
Currently, a majority of states (30) have elected NOT to enact these unconstitutional “red flag” restrictions.
And Gun Owners of America reports that a poll of more than 17,000 gun owners found that 98% of gun owners would not vote to re-elect a legislator who voted for a Red Flag gun bill.
Please know that gun owners en masse will consider support for any Gun Confiscation Order bill as an anti-gun vote, and we will definitely “remember in November.”
Disregarding Due Process is a deadly gambit
I stand with Gun Owners of America in opposition to so-called “red flag” proposals like Rubio’s S. 292.
These so-called proposals, properly known as “Gun Confiscation Orders” give great precedent to be abused.
Already, one honest African-American gentleman has been killed by Maryland police when they arrived at his home at 5:17 am in the morning to retrieve his firearms. This man had no idea that a gun confiscation order had been executed against him because the entire series of events that led to his execution lacked DUE PROCESS!
There was no trial by jury … no facing of his accuser … no defense attorney to represent him. There is no due process if the individual isn’t part of the process!
I urge you to stand firm for the Second and Fifth Amendments and protect the foundational principles of our country—and reject any proposal that would encourage red flag laws in any and all forms.
Red flag laws run roughshod over rights
I stand with Gun Owners of America in opposition to so-called “red flag” proposals like Rubio’s S. 292.
These so-called proposals, properly known as “Gun Confiscation Orders” give great precedent to be abused.
Already, one honest African-American gentleman has been killed by Maryland police when they arrived at his home at 5:17 am in the morning to retrieve his firearms. This man had no idea that a gun confiscation order had been executed against him because the entire series of events that led to his execution lacked DUE PROCESS!
There was no trial by jury … no facing of his accuser … no defense attorney to represent him. There is no due process if the individual isn’t part of the process!
I urge you to stand firm for the Second and Fifth Amendments and protect the foundational principles of our country—and reject any proposal that would encourage red flag laws in any and all forms.
Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders are ineffective
I urge you to oppose Red Flag “Gun Confiscation Orders.”
These Gun Confiscation Orders—sugar-coated as “ERPOs” or “red flag laws” —aren’t being pushed to prevent suicides or protect the public.
After all, these laws don’t make people safer. Consider that a study by criminologist John Lott found that these Gun Confiscation ‘red-flag’ orders had absolutely no effect in the states where they were law—except, maybe to INCREASE the incidence of rape.
Gun Owners of America has pointed out that Red Flag laws haven’t stopped shootings from occurring in states that have these laws. They didn’t stop the recent shootings in Indianapolis or Boulder. Nor did they stop shootings that occurred in the school in Newtown, Connecticut; the bar in Thousand Oaks, California; the Henry Pratt Company in Aurora, Illinois; or the video game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida.
And I should mention that Red Flag laws wouldn't have stopped the shooting at the Parkland high school (had Florida had a law at that time) for the simple reason that, as often as the police visited the shooter's home, they failed to exercise remedies which were already on the table because they viewed him as ‘a low risk.’
NEWS FLASH: If the police are on record as saying a gun owner is ‘a low risk,’ it will be impossible to get a ‘red-flag’ Gun Confiscation Order.
Meanwhile, these gun confiscation orders will run roughshod over the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. According to researcher David Kopel, at least one-third of red flag gun confiscation orders are wrongly issued against innocent people.
So please oppose red flag Gun Confiscation Orders.
Over one-third of red flag orders issued against innocent people
I urge you to oppose Red Flag “Gun Confiscation Orders.”
These Gun Confiscation Orders—sugar-coated as “ERPOs” or “red flag laws” —aren’t being pushed to prevent suicides or protect the public.
After all, these laws don’t make people safer. Consider that a study by criminologist John Lott found that these Gun Confiscation ‘red-flag’ orders had absolutely no effect in the states where they were law—except, maybe to INCREASE the incidence of rape.
Gun Owners of America has pointed out that Red Flag laws haven’t stopped shootings from occurring in states that have these laws. They didn’t stop the recent shootings in Indianapolis or Boulder. Nor did they stop shootings that occurred in the school in Newtown, Connecticut; the bar in Thousand Oaks, California; the Henry Pratt Company in Aurora, Illinois; or the video game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida.
And I should mention that Red Flag laws wouldn't have stopped the shooting at the Parkland high school (had Florida had a law at that time) for the simple reason that, as often as the police visited the shooter's home, they failed to exercise remedies which were already on the table because they viewed him as ‘a low risk.’
NEWS FLASH: If the police are on record as saying a gun owner is ‘a low risk,’ it will be impossible to get a ‘red-flag’ Gun Confiscation Order.
Meanwhile, these gun confiscation orders will run roughshod over the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. According to researcher David Kopel, at least one-third of red flag gun confiscation orders are wrongly issued against innocent people.
So please oppose red flag Gun Confiscation Orders.