Co-Sponsor MTG's Bill to Eliminate the ATF!
The ATF has long ago become an overt enemy to the American people and our great Second Amendment.
Their arrogance in the Fast and Furious scandal has led to hundreds of people being murdered, including Brian Terry, an American border patrol agent.
This agency can not be reformed -- it needs to be SHUT DOWN!
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has filed H.R. 3960 for the American Firearms Association, which would eliminate the ATF after requiring them to sell all of the firearms that they are currently in possession of via a public auction.
These monies would be given to the families of slain border patrol agents, who have (or may still) die as a result of the weapons that the ATF gave to drug cartels through Operation Fast and Furious.
All ATF regulations would be immediately repealed and any legitimate law enforcement services that ATF has been providing (if there are any) would be shifted to the FBI.
As my elected voice in Congress, I am writing to insist that you cosponsor this critical legislation right away. Our freedoms are hanging on by a thread right now, and I want to see you helping to lead the fight to protect them.
Please co-sponsor H.R. 3960 today.
The Ohio Gun Owners will keep me informed on this bill and who supports it.
Co-Sponsor H.R. 3960!
The ATF is a stain on America’s federal law enforcement community. They don’t do anything to stop violent criminals. On the contrary, the ATF armed Mexican drug cartels through operation Fast and Furious.
The ATF can’t be fixed, reformed, or improved.
That’s why the American Firearms Association, Ohio Gun Owners, and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene have unveiled H.R. 3960, which would forever abolish the ATF.
The bill would also repeal ALL ATF regulations and require them to sell the firearms and ammo they are sitting on, to give to families of border patrol officers slain with a ‘Fast and Furious’ firearm.
As a voter in your district, I want to see your name on this bill as a co-sponsor. Our country is hanging on by a thread right now as Joe Biden and the left take a sledge hammer to our freedoms.
The only reason why our country hasn’t been turned into a socialist nightmare is because of 80 million proud gun owners who won’t let that happen.
Biden wants to turn the ATF loose on all of us, and that’s why they need to be disbanded. Now!
Please co-sponsor this bill right away. Ohio Gun Owners will keep me informed on who is supporting this legislation.
Get the Corrupt ATF Off of My Back!
The ATF is a joke. They only have one purpose these days, which is to attack the Second Amendment and the proud gun owners who stand ready to defend it.
This is tyranny. And that’s why the ATF needs to be SHUT DOWN!
Thankfully, the American Firearms Association, Ohio Gun Owners, and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) have unveiled H.R. 3960, legislation that would do exactly that.
When passed into law, Congresswoman Greene’s bill would:
>>> Require the ATF to publish a list of every firearm they have confiscated and sell them to the American people through a public auction!
>>> Disperse the money from the sale of these firearms to the families of border patrol agents killed in the line of duty as a result of Operation Fast and Furious!
>>> Immediately repeal all ATF regulations and permanently rescind their hiring authority, shifting their regulatory functions back to the FBI!
This bill is needed.
And that’s why I am writing, to insist that you cosponsor this legislation right away. The time for talking about being pro-gun is over. We need action, fast.
Please support this bill today. Ohio Gun Owners will keep me informed on who supports this legislation.