Investigate Allegations of Unethical Research
Please support legislation to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. Allegations have surfaced that the program harvests the body parts of aborted and perhaps living babies. These disturbing allegations require a thorough investigation!
Investigate the U of Pitt Now
Please support legislation to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. The allegations that aborted baby body parts are being used for "research" sickens me. The program needs to be investigated now!
Investigate U of Pittsburgh
Please support the bill to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. Allegations have emerged that the program harvests the body parts of aborted and perhaps even living babies. These allegations need to be immediately investigated.
Investigate the University of Pittsburgh
Please support the bill to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. The allegations of harvesting the body parts of aborted babies are deeply disturbing. The program needs to be investigated now!
Investigate U of Pitt
Please support the bill to investigate the University of Pittsburgh for the alleged harvesting of aborted baby body parts. The allegations are deeply troubling and need to be thoroughly investigated. Thank you for your kind attention to this critical matter.
Investigate Pitt
I write to you to urge you to support legislation to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. Allegations have emerged that the program harvests the body parts of aborted babies. These allegations deserve an immediate investigation!
Probe the U of Pittsburgh
Please support legislation to probe the University of Pittsburgh's research program. Allegations have surfaced that the program harvests the body parts of aborted babies and perhaps even babies whose hearts are still beating. This is unconscionable!
Probe the University of Pittsburgh
I write to you to urge you to support legislation which calls for a probe into the University of Pittsburgh's research program. The allegations of harvesting aborted baby body parts are deeply troubling. Please support this vitally important legislation.
Investigate Now
I write to you to urge you to support legislation to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. The allegations involving the harvesting of aborted baby body parts are deeply disturbing. An immediate investigation is warranted.
Investigate Pitt Now
Please support the bill to investigate the University of Pittsburgh's research program. I am deeply troubled by allegations that the program is harvesting the body parts of aborted babies. Please co-sponsor the bill to investigate Pitt now.