Adopt the Measure X CAB Funding Recommendations November 16th!
Hi, I am a resident of Contra Costa County and I am urging the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors to adopt the Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) funding recommendations this November 16th including funding for:
Expanded and comprehensive healthcare for immigrants, via Contra Costa CARES
Local housing trust fund, a funding mechanism for diverse programs including tenant legal services and supports; acquisition, creation, preservation, and rehabilitation of permanently affordable housing; community land trusts; permanent supportive housing and other assistance for unsheltered residents; and permanent housing subsidies for youth, young adults, and disabled residents.
East County community-based equity center
Community-based mental health services, including preventive services for young children, addressing the needs of at-risk populations, substance use treatment, and culturally responsive services for Asian American Pacific Islander and LGBTQ+ residents
No Measure X funds should be allocated to the Sheriff’s Office for any purpose-- including for body cameras and additional patrols!
We have a chance to create a better Contra Costa and ensure that all residents have equal access to local resources, regardless of income, immigration status, or race. Please adopt the Measure X Community Advisory Board funding recommendations and fund essential community programs and resources this November 16th!
Vote "Yes" on the Measure X CAB Funding Recommendations to Fund Community Services
Dear Contra Costa Board of Supervisors,
My name is [FIRST, LAST NAME]. I am a resident of Contra Costa County and I am urging the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors to adopt the Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) funding recommendations this November 16th.
The recommendations proposed by the Measure X Community Advisory Board that “urge the BOS to prioritize strategies that address systemic racism, recognize and respond to trauma, leverage community-based strengths and services, and focus on bold and transformational responses to community needs.” The suggestions address three main scopes of how we can begin to address disparities in our county:
Equity: The goal is to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, who must be front and center in allocations deliberations.
Innovation: Measure X represents a powerful opportunity to apply innovative thinking and practices to budget decision-making, including paying closer attention to the key roles played by community members and organizations in the provision of services to county residents.
Alternatives: the County’s finances are healthy, the economy is expanding, and property values are rising. Funding for areas that go beyond Measure X’s original intent of: “to keep Contra Costa's regional hospital open and staffed; fund community health centers; provide timely fire and emergency response; support crucial safety-net services; invest in early childhood services; protect vulnerable populations; and for other essential county services” should be found from other sources.
I want to applaud the work of the Measure X Community Advisory Board. This diverse group of community stakeholders conducted an intensive, thorough and inclusive process that solicited input from a wide range of county departments, community organizations and community members. The MXCAB model exemplifies democracy in action at its finest i.e. “the people’s budget”, and can serve as a model for other budget deliberative processes.
We have a chance to create a better Contra Costa and ensure that all residents have equal access to local resources, regardless of income, immigration status, or race. Please adopt the Measure X Community Advisory Board funding recommendations and fund essential community programs and resources this November 16th!
Yours sincerely,