WHO Treaty
As a specialized agency established to lead international efforts against global health threats, the World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly mismanaged its response to serious health emergencies. The pending pandemic agreement would dramatically increase the authority of the WHO as a decision-making entity for the people of the United States.
As my Representative, I am writing to see what you will do to protect our Constitution and rights. Our state representatives must not allow an unelected international entity to have governing authority over their constituents. You must inform our federal government leaders you will not allow this attack on the sovereignty of our state.
Concern about WHO Treaty
I am contacting you in regards to the WHO Treaty. As a constituent, my main concern with this treaty is, that if the amendments are approved would this put the WHO on track to become a global health governance body, which would undermine the health and security of Americans and the U.S. itself?
I ask that you please consider these concerns and that you do not let the current administration put the US constitution at risk when it comes to public health.
Protect State Sovereignty
The World Health Organization’s pending treaty on pandemic preparedness would give them power over biosecurity on a global level. As an American citizen this concerns me.
There is no “one size fits all” approach when responding to a future pandemic. What will work for one area of the world will not hold true for another, because different areas and people do not have the same risk factors. WHO’s decision-making power usurps that of international leaders under the treaty.
An unelected health organization should not have the final say in a pandemic response. More specifically, an unelected international organization should not have authority to roll out procedures independently, or through the CDC, that threaten state sovereignty. Even if the Senate ratifies the WHO agreement by 2/3 vote, the Treaty was not drawn under the terms of the Constitution and therefore does not bind the States. (Article 6 clause 2 of the Constitution, taken from krisannehall.com/index.php/resources/articles/746-biden-s-panic-propaganda)
As our state’s representative it is imperative you protect the sovereignty of our Constitution and the independence of our state’s governing powers. Our federal government needs to know that any agreed upon treaty under WHO on pandemic preparedness that takes away state sovereignty will not be enforced.