NO Red Flag Gun Confiscation!
As my Representative in Columbus, I am urging you to stand firm against the efforts within the General Assembly to pass a Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill, commonly referred to as Emergency Risk Protection Orders.
After the passage and signing into law of S. 2938, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and FIVE gun-grabbing RINOs in Congress from Ohio, have made millions of taxpayer dollars available to pass and implement a Red Flag Gun law here in Ohio.
And with the murders in Highland Park, IL over Independence Day weekend, the calls for a Red Flag law here in Ohio are growing louder and more vicious. Despite the fact that Illinois' Red Flag law DID NOT stop the killer, or any other mass shooting in America!
These laws do nothing to stop violent, mentally-deranged individuals from carrying our acts of violence. What they do instead is allow liberal judges and bitter exes/neighbors to green light the forceful seizure of any Ohioans' firearms - before they have been tried, charged, or convicted with any crime!
Constituents like me DO NOT want a red flag law. We want you to uphold your oath, defend the Constitution and protect our God-given rights!
Please vote NO on any such bill and do everything you can to prevent a Red Flag or Emergency Risk Protection Order bill from passing here in Ohio.
Ohio Gun Owners will keep me up to date on this fight in the General Assembly and what actions you do or do not take in support of my gun rights.
ERPO Laws are a Scam!
Emergency Risk Protection Orders, or Red Flag laws, do NOTHING to stop violent crime and only exist to harass and deny citizens their Constitutional liberties - as we have seen in other states that have passed such laws.
The Constitution of the United States demands and protects due process, and these laws throw that out the window! We are innocent until proven guilty in this country, and these laws totally obliterate that.
I expect you to not only vote NO on any ERPO or Red Flag bill that comes up in the General Assembly, but also do everything in your power to block and stop these bills.
Ohio Gun Owners will let me know your actions, or inactions, regarding my gun rights.
ERPO Laws Do Nothing to Stop Criminals
As we have seen from the Highland Park, IL murders, Illinois' Red Flag law did NOTHING to stop the killer. In fact, NONE of the gun control laws on the books did anything to stop him from committing his terrible acts of violence.
But yet many on the Radical Left are salivating at the millions of Federal taxpayer dollars up for grabs to implement a Red Flag or ERPO law here in Ohio.
While these laws will not do a thing to stop gun crime, they will lead to the unconstitutional seizure of Ohioans' firearms - in direct violation of their constitutional rights.
Our U.S. Constitution guarantees due process rights and recognizes the presumption of innocence that we have in this country. The laws that many on the Left are pushing will throw all that our the window!
If you want to continue being the permanent minority party in Ohio, keep supporting these laws!
But just know, millions of Ohioans are gun owners and gun rights supporters - and we DO NOT support unconstitutional gun laws, including ERPOs and Red Flags!
Ohio Gun Owners will keep me informed on your actions regarding my Constitutional rights.