PLEASE Support the Convention of States Resolution
I am your constituent and ask you to please support the Convention of States resolution in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
I strongly support this effort to convene the states to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution that will put the federal government back in its constitutional box.
Please support the COS resolution!
Washington, DC is Out of Control -- YOU can be the solution
As a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, you have been given a unique federal power through Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
I strongly support the Convention of States Resolution ... passing our COS Resolution will enable the states to limit federal spending, create term limits on federal officials and restrain federal regulatory burdens upon the citizens of the states.
I greatly appreciate your attention and consideration.
The Convention of States Resolution is needed NOW more than ever
As my elected state representative, I put a much greater trust in you than in some out-of-touch bureaucrat in Washington, DC.
You know better what is best for our community and state. It's time we decide whether the federal government should be involved in matters that affect us personally.
As your constituent, I would rather you have that authority.
The COS Resolution is the path to restoring limited federal government. Please support the COS Resolution in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
Thank you for your consideration and service to our community and our state.
The COS Resolution will end Federal Overreach
Our country faces precarious times that I never imagined even a decade ago. My money is going out faster than it is coming in. Washington's spending is out of control.
Washington is broken, and our Founding Fathers gave us a tool to address the problem. Article V is a tool to call a convention for proposing amendments that will rein in the out-of-control federal government.
I would like you to help stop federal overreach. As your constituent, I humbly ask you to support the COS Resolution in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
Thank you for your consideration.
I Need You to Support the COS Resolution
As your constituent, I want you to support the Convention of States Resolution in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
We need to pass the COS Resolution through the General Assembly now!
Thank you for your consideration and service to our community.