Bring Equal Pay for Team USA Act (S. 2333) to the Floor
I support equal pay for all US Olympians and ask that you support S. 2333, as well. The would require that all Team USA athletes receive equal compensation and benefits for their work, regardless of gender. The bill is bipartisan and unanimously passed the Commerce Committee.
Leader Schumer needs to bring the bill to the floor. I ask that you encourage him to do so, and vote in favor of the bill when it does come before the Senate.
Support S. 2333
Please support equal pay for all US Olympians. Senator Schumer needs to bring this bill to the floor for a vote immediately.
Please ask him to do so, and vote Yes when it does come before the Senate.
Equal Pay for ALL US Olympians
I ask you to support S. 2333. This bill simply requires that all athletes representing the United States in international amateur athletic competitions receive equal compensation and benefits for their work, regardless of gender.
No athlete should be paid less because of their gender.
Support a Vote on Senate Bill 2333
Senate Bill 2333 simply says that athletes representing the United States in international amateur athletics receive equal compensation and benefits regardless gender.
This should have been passed years ago!
Please ask Senator Schumer to allow this bill to be voted on.
Olympians deserve Equal Pay
I strongly urge you to support S. 2333 and urge a vote. It is crazy to think that athletes representing the United States are paid based on their gender.
You should demand a vote immediately.