Conversion confusion. Let’s clear the air.
I choose to send my children to a Christian school because I value the care, compassion and respect I see there. Especially amongst the teachers.
That’s what my child needs as a learner — and as a young person making decisions about their life. Lots of caring role models, with shared values, who are ready to take time and show pastoral care.
Which is why I am writing to you about the LGBTQ+ Conversion Practices bill proposed by the Government. While I am sure it has good intentions, all this law will actually do is frighten good teachers, who want to be free to talk and pray with children about the big questions, including their relationships and identity from a faith perspective.
Children like mine.
I trust the Christian teachers and staff to model the values that matter to our family. I trust them to carefully and compassionately support my children as they explore life’s issues. I trust them to do this on issues as complex as gender and orientation. Christian teachers have been doing this for decades and it's making a positive difference.
Please join me in affirming our teachers to continue their good work.
I ask you to reject any laws modelled on Victorian style conversion laws, consistent with the election commitment made by Premier Minns. These laws should only prohibit coercive practices aimed at changing sexual orientation, not interfere with parental or community support for young people exploring their identity.
NSW teachers should be free to care
I choose to send my children to a Christian school because I value the care, compassion and respect I see there. Especially amongst the teachers.
That’s what my child needs as a learner — and as a young person making decisions about their life. Lots of caring role models, with shared values, who are ready to take time and show pastoral care.
Which is why I am writing to you about LGBTQ+ Conversion Practices bill proposed by the Government. While I am sure it has good intentions, all this law will actually do is frighten good teachers, who want to be free to talk and pray with children about the big questions, including their relationships and identity from a faith perspective.
Children like mine.
I want to make clear that I do not support coercive and abusive gay conversion practices. Of course I don’t. While I’m not aware of such practices at our school I acknowledge with sadness that, in other contexts, some LGBT people have been deeply hurt by them.
But the Sydney Morning Herald article on 11 August 2023 indicates that the government plans to extend these laws much further.
This could criminalise a pastoral conversation that a teacher has with a young person who is struggling with questions about their gender identity or orientation.
Just as big a problem, the law might restrict the preaching and teaching of traditional Christian morality and values. Even though parents like me have deliberately chosen these schools, with their traditional morals and values.
Research consistently reveals the alarming levels of anxiety, uncertainty and hopelessness that are increasingly experienced by young Australians. Young people need safe environments and caring role models to help them to explore their identity and place in this world.
I trust the Christian teachers and staff to model the values that matter to our family. I trust them to carefully and compassionately support my children as they explore life’s issues. I trust them to do this on issues as complex as gender and orientation. Christian teachers have been doing this for decades and it's making a positive difference.
Please join me in affirming our teachers to continue their good work.
I ask you to reject any laws modelled on Victorian style conversion laws, consistent with the election commitment made by Premier Minns. These laws should only prohibit coercive practices aimed at changing sexual orientation, not interfere with parental or community support for young people exploring their identity.