Please Support Students and Families by Signing HB1820
Dear Governor Youngkin:
I am reaching out to you today asking you to please sign HB1820. This bill is critically important, especially for parents with students in virtual schools.
My children are enrolled in the Virginia Virtual Academy. Three times a year we need to miss instructional time and class time to travel to a testing sites to take the SOL test and growth assessment tests.
HB1820 will now give us the flexibility to take the growth assessment tests at home in a safe and secure setting. It would mean a great deal for students to test in an environment that works best for them. And as a parent, it would give us so much more flexibility and relief from all the challenges associated with traveling to the testing site; missing work; and making sure the rest of the family is cared for during testing.
I encourage you to consider signing HB1820. This is an incredibly important piece of legislation for families, parents and students in schools like the Virginia Virtual Academy.
Please Sign HB1820
Dear Governor Youngkin:
I am reaching out to you today asking you to please sign HB1820. This bill is very important to virtual school families like mine.
My children are enrolled in the Virginia Virtual Academy. Three times a year we need to miss instructional time and class time to travel to a testing sites to take the SOL test and growth assessment tests.
HB1820 will now give us the flexibility to take the growth assessment tests at home in a safe and secure setting. It would mean a great deal for students to test in an environment that works best for them. And as a parent, it would give us so much more flexibility and relief from all the challenges associated with traveling to the testing site; missing work; and making sure the rest of the family is cared for during testing.
I encourage you to consider signing HB1820. This is an incredibly important piece of legislation for families, parents and students in schools like the Virginia Virtual Academy.