Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Dear Senate President Scutari & Chair of the Health Senate Committee Senator Vitale,
I urge you to vote in favor of S1522 to remove restrictions for New Jersey Advanced Practice Nurses. With EO 112, APNs have practiced autonomously. By unlocking their full potential, we can expand access to care and improve outcomes for all NJ citizens. Here's why it's crucial:
• APNs can provide timely healthcare to underserved communities, regardless of economic status or location.
• With healthcare demand on the rise, APNs can address workforce shortages effectively.
• Research shows that APN care is safe, high-quality, and cost-effective.
• Outdated laws are driving skilled APNs away from our state, while neighboring states have seen success with modernization.
• Removing restrictions will stimulate economic development and create job opportunities.
Vote YES to S1522 for better healthcare and economic growth. Thank you for your consideration.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
I am writing to ask for your support for Bill, S1522. As you may know, Bill S1522 passed unanimously from the Senate Health Committee. Kindly put it to vote on the Senate floor. More than 50% of NJ State Senators are in support of the Bill S1522.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
I am writing to ask you to support bill S1522, removing the collaborating physician requiring Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) to care for patients. This bill will improve patient care outcomes as it did in over 50% of US states such as NY who passed this bill. Please put it to vote on the senate floor. We need more access to care.
Kindly put it to vote on the Senate floor. More than 50% of NJ State Senators are in support of the Bill S1522.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
I am writing to ask you to support bill S1522 by putting this bill to the senate floor. The senate health committee supported this bill and I urge you to please allow this bill to be voted on in the senate. It will improve access to care and is essential to the provider shortage in mental health, and primary care.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
Please support bill S1522, granting Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) full practice. Removing the restrictive collaborative agreement will benefit the people of NJ. Many APN choose to work in NY and reside in NJ - Leaving less provider in this state. Many NJ APNs practice in less restrictive states, that have optimal outcomes. Please support this bill by posting it for a vote on the Senate floor.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
Please support bill S1522, granting Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) full practice, removing the restrictive collaborative agreement. APNs are more likely to work with older adults. Twenty-five percent of NJ’s rapidly increasing older adult population has a psychiatric disorder and those over 85 years old have the highest suicide rate of any age group. Untreated mental illness among this population is one of the most significant challenges facing the mental health care delivery system and frequently results in patients having an impaired quality of life, increased mortality, and poor health outcomes. Please post this bill for a Senate vote so we can care for our elderly patients properly.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
Please support bill S1522, granting Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) full practice, removing the restrictive collaborative agreement. Our state is currently experiencing a critical shortage of primary and mental health care providers. In more than half the counties in NJ, the shortage is reaching crisis proportions. Removing barriers and improving access to APNs provides an immediate solution to address the increasing shortage of providers and prescribers required to treat patients most urgently needed in primary and psychiatric care. It has been proven that removing practice restrictions for APNs has the potential to improve health care access. Please post this bill for a Senate vote.
Support Bill S1522 Removing Practice Restrictions for Advanced Practice Nurses
Senator President Scutari,
Please support bill S1522, granting Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) full practice, removing the restrictive collaborative agreement. This Bill will have optimal impact to our patients. It will improve access to care. Currently over 50% of the United States has adopted this change. I urge you to please post this bill for a Senate vote. Our patients in NJ deserve appropriate access to care and options.