Please support Education Savings Accounts for all!
Please support the ESA program that is in HB1!
Every child deserves access to the best educational opportunities, including our children here in Texas.
Education is not one-size-fits-all; not every school can serve the needs of every student. Those that need or desire an educational setting other than their assigned district school should have the freedom and the ability to choose an alternative that better meets their needs.
This bill will empower parents to make educational decisions that are best for their child.
Putting parents in the driver’s seat of their children's education is a win for Texas parents, students, educators, and taxpayers.
Nearly half the states in the country have some form of a school choice program, it is time for Texas to join the ever expanding list or risk being left behind.
ALL children deserve a chance to thrive!
Please support the ESA program that is in HB1!
Every child deserves access to the best educational opportunities, including our children here in Texas.
Education is not one-size-fits-all; not every school can serve the needs of every student. Those that need or desire an educational setting other than their assigned district school should have the freedom and the ability to choose an alternative that better meets their needs.
This bill will empower parents to make educational decisions that are best for their child.
Putting parents in the driver’s seat of their children's education is a win for Texas parents, students, educators, and taxpayers.
Nearly half the states in the country have some form of a school choice program, it is time for Texas to join the ever expanding list or risk being left behind.
All Texas children deserve to thrive!
Please support the ESA program that is in HB1!
Every child deserves access to the best educational opportunities, including our children here in Texas.
Education is not one-size-fits-all; not every school can serve the needs of every student. Those that need or desire an educational setting other than their assigned district school should have the freedom and the ability to choose an alternative that better meets their needs.
This bill will empower parents to make educational decisions that are best for their child.
Putting parents in the driver’s seat of their children's education is a win for Texas parents, students, educators, and taxpayers.
Nearly half the states in the country have some form of a school choice program, it is time for Texas to join the ever expanding list or risk being left behind.
Please stand with Texas Parents!
Please support the ESA program that is in HB1!
Every child deserves access to the best educational opportunities, including our children here in Texas.
Education is not one-size-fits-all; not every school can serve the needs of every student. Those that need or desire an educational setting other than their assigned district school should have the freedom and the ability to choose an alternative that better meets their needs.
This bill will empower parents to make educational decisions that are best for their child.
Putting parents in the driver’s seat of their children's education is a win for Texas parents, students, educators, and taxpayers.
Nearly half the states in the country have some form of a school choice program, it is time for Texas to join the ever expanding list or risk being left behind.