Support the H.J. Res. 44 passed by the House Judiciary Committee
The House Judiciary Committee just approved H.J. Res. 44 to REPEAL Joe Biden’s pistol ban.
As your constituent, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to vote in favor of the Joint Resolution of Disapproval when it comes up for a full vote on the House floor.
The unelected anti-gun bureaucrats at Biden’s ATF have absolutely no authority to force millions of gun owners to choose between rebuilding our legally purchased property, registering it, destroying it, or going to jail for up to 10 years.
If Biden vetoes the disapproval resolution passed by the House, I encourage you to respond by SLASHING the ATF’s funding so they cannot enforce this unconstitutional assault on our God-given rights.
Your vote will tell me if you stand with the Constitution and millions of law-abiding gun owners, or the most tyrannically anti-gun administration in American history.
I will be watching closely to see what you decide to do, and Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
Vote to repeal Biden’s pistol ban
The House Judiciary Committee just approved H.J. Res. 44 to REPEAL Joe Biden’s pistol ban.
As your constituent, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to vote in favor of the Joint Resolution of Disapproval when it comes up for a full vote on the House floor.
The unelected anti-gun bureaucrats at Biden’s ATF have absolutely no authority to force millions of gun owners to choose between rebuilding our legally purchased property, registering it, destroying it, or going to jail for up to 10 years.
If Biden vetoes the disapproval resolution passed by the House, I encourage you to respond by SLASHING the ATF’s funding so they cannot enforce this unconstitutional assault on our God-given rights.
Your vote will tell me if you stand with the Constitution and millions of law-abiding gun owners, or the most tyrannically anti-gun administration in American history.
I will be watching closely to see what you decide to do, and Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.
Stop Biden from banning 40,000,000 firearms
The House Judiciary Committee just approved H.J. Res. 44 to REPEAL Joe Biden’s pistol ban.
As your constituent, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to vote in favor of the Joint Resolution of Disapproval when it comes up for a full vote on the House floor.
The unelected anti-gun bureaucrats at Biden’s ATF have absolutely no authority to force millions of gun owners to choose between rebuilding our legally purchased property, registering it, destroying it, or going to jail for up to 10 years.
If Biden vetoes the disapproval resolution passed by the House, I encourage you to respond by SLASHING the ATF’s funding so they cannot enforce this unconstitutional assault on our God-given rights.
Your vote will tell me if you stand with the Constitution and millions of law-abiding gun owners, or the most tyrannically anti-gun administration in American history.
I will be watching closely to see what you decide to do, and Gun Owners of America will keep me informed.