Support HB 1537 -- Protect Parental Rights
I urge you to support HB 1537 to protect parental rights in our state. This important bill would raise the age of consent for mental-health treatments from 14 to 16, and make providers liable for any treatments given to minors without parental consent.
The family is the core unit of a free society, and it is essential that we uphold and defend it. HB 1537 is a step toward upholding and protecting parental rights.
Please support HB 1537, and protect and defend the family and parental rights.
Vote YES on HB 1537 -- Stand Up for Parental Rights
I urge you to support and vote in favor of HB 1537. This bill protects and defends parental rights by raising the age of consent from 14 to 16.
The family is the basic building block of society, and parental rights are foundational to a free and healthy society. Unfortunately, over the past many decades, parental rights have been slowly eroded and replaced by direct government supervision of children. Now, grotesque medical procedures can be performed on children without even parental knowledge. HB 1537 takes a step in the right direction by strengthening and protecting parental rights over their own children.
Please support and enact HB 1537, and protect parental rights.
Enact HB 1537, and Defend Parental Rights
Please support and enact HB 1537. It is essential that you defend parental rights, as this bill does.
Parents -- not government -- should have ultimate authority over their children. It is unacceptable for public schools or others to promote medical or mental-health treatments for children without their parent's knowledge or consent.
HB 1537 is important because it would ensure that parents know about and consent to any mental-health treatments their children obtain. It would strengthen parental rights.
Please support and enact HB 1537.
Support HB 1537 to Protect Parents and Children
I strongly request that you support HB 1537. This bill is necessary to protect both parents and children.
Right now, the mental-health app "Kooth" is beginning to be used in public schools. However, it would allow high-school children to communicate with strangers online without their parent's consent or even knowledge. HB 1537 would help end this by raising the age of consent for mental-health treatments.
In a free country, parents have authority over their children, and have the freedom to raise them as they choose.
Please uphold parental rights by supporting HB 1537, along with any other measure to defend parental rights.
Pass HB 1537: Let Parents Raise Their Children as They Please
I implore you to support and pass HB 1537, which would strengthen parental rights, thus giving parents more freedom to raise their children as they please.
This bill is necessary because the PA state Department of Human Services is piloting the app Kooth in 30 school districts across the state. This app essentially allows children to communicate with strangers through the app to deal with mental-health issues -- and under our current age-of-consent laws, any child 14 or older can do this without their parent's consent or knowledge.
This is unacceptable, and this shows why HB 1537 is needed and must immediately pass.
Please support HB 1537, and uphold parental rights.