Please renew Real Alternatives contract
I write to urge you to renew Real Alternatives' contract. Without Real Alternatives, thousands of pregnant women throughout Pennsylvania will be left without vital services. Nearly 350,000 women across PA have been served by the program, which has become a model for the rest of the nation. For the sake of the women of the Commonwealth, please renew this vital contract.
Help PA Women
Please help PA women by renewing Real Alternatives' contract. Women throughout Pennsylvania depend on Real Alternatives for support and encouragement. Without Real Alternatives, these women may face isolation, homelessness, and other troubles. Please do the right thing and fund Real Alternatives.
Renew Real Alternatives Contract
Please renew Real Alternatives' contract. Real Alternatives has done a stellar job of assisting pregnant women in difficult circumstances. Please do not leave these women out in the cold.
Real Alternatives
I urge you to refrain from cutting off the Real Alternatives contract. Real Alternatives provides concrete help and support to pregnant women undergoing tough times. Please help women by renewing the Real Alternatives contract.
Please help Pennsylvania women
Governor, you have the opportunity to help Pennsylvania women by renewing Real Alternatives' contract. So many women are helped by Real Alternatives centers. I do not want to see these women unserved. Please renew the RA contract.
Please help pregnant women
I urge you to help pregnant women by renewing the Commonwealth's contract with Real Alternatives. If you visit a Real Alternatives center, you will see for yourself what wonderful work they do. Please invest in a program that works and renew Real Alternatives' contract.
Renew Real Alternatives' Contract
I write to request that you renew Real Alternatives' contract. Real Alternatives has helped hundreds of thousands of women receive the compassionate support they need. For the sake of Pennsylvania's women, please renew this contract.
Please renew Real Alternatives' contract
I implore you to renew Real Alternatives' contract. So many women depend on Real Alternatives centers for comprehensive support during their pregnancies and up to 12 months afterword. Please do not punish women. Fund Real Alternatives!
Help Pennsylvania Women
I write to you to urge you to help Pennsylvania women by renewing Real Alternatives' contract. Their program is phenomenal and has helped so many pregnant women achieve self-sufficiency. Please assist women by renewing Real Alternatives contract.
Please help PA women
Governor, please help PA women by renewing the Real Alternatives contract. You have the opportunity to help pregnant women throughout Pennsylvania by ensuring full funding for Real Alternatives. Please do not let the Real Alternatives contract expire.